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Joni E White | - Free online hangout and friends
Bill Reynolds
Bill Reynolds owns this human at 13125 points.


Joni E White
"Ms. Wolf"

Joni E White, 45/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:00 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Location: Point Leamington, Newfoundland a Canada

"Damaged Goods"
About me:
I'm down to earth, kind, caring and cosiderate of others and no i'm not self centered. Been hurt many times and yet for some strange reason still in search of that right one for me... I'm loyal, honest and will tell no lies to try to sell myself as something i'm not. For I am who I am and that is all I will ever be...
About you:
who I'd like to meet. Pretty much in a nut shell someone that is satisfied with me ....................
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Joni's tales
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Joni E White
well tonight is a stray from the past been a long time since i've been back here...yeah i've missed it though never been much of an attraction for people to my page anyway that i didn't mind and well still don't.. but guess i wanted to take a glimpse of what i use to be like not so long ago.. I haven't changed much over the last while but i've kinda lost a part of myself that i guess i'm still looking for... this place hold a part of that missing piece but frankly can't say i'll ever really feel whole.. just a little rant i guess you'd call this all in all .. wish the words would come back.. J
Joni E White "Ms. Wolf" Calm - 10 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Joni E White

how is it when someone leaves you
they are never really gone
some part of you quietly holds on

be it just a memory or a picture
you hold dear be it the way the wind blows
or in your heart you hear

a faint whisper of that someone
you can't touch, you can't talk to
but still you hurt so much

be it the tears of others who suddenly
bring you to tears or the hurt of someone else
you see reflected in a mirror

how is it something so unrelated
can cause you so much pain
to make you question all the things you gain

For all those that have lost someone
for all of those that still mourn
know that someone else is there to silently help you hold on

August 29, 2011

~ Joni E. White~
Joni E White "Ms. Wolf" Calm - 13 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Joni E White

I kneel on my knees
Beside your grave
I bow my head and
Everything comes spilling out...

I feel the pain ease
As each tear runs
Down my face and though
You're not here with me

I know that where ever
You are you hear every
Word I speak aloud
To this sad and lonely place

Dispite the fact that
You're not really here
Where I am I feel better
Just talking to your headstone...

It's as though no
Matter what happens to
Me I can come here
And lean on you ...

So whether there's a
Heaven or a Hell I'll stay
Here by your Graveside
And spend time with you
So I'm never so alone...

Written April 25, 2010

By ~Joni .E.~
Joni E White "Ms. Wolf" Calm - 14 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
Joni E White
Something Easy

Weak and broken yet unable
To give into that way out
That would be so easy

But I just can't hurt
Those that think a little
Of me I can't be selfish

Though the more I think
The less I think it would
Really hurt them...

Maybe it's just fear of
Failing at something
That should be so easy

For I see no point to my
Life. I help no one and
Everyone can live on without me here..

And maybe it's the fear
That if there's a heaven
I won't get in ...

I want there to be
That place where there's
No more pain...

Where it don't matter
What you did with your
Life and everyone loves you .....

Written March 25, 2010

By ~Joni E.~

Joni E White "Ms. Wolf" Calm - 14 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Joni E White
Make Me

Nothing but shattered
Pieces are all that's
Left to this empty shell..

No one notices the pieces
Lying on the floor they
Just splinter them more..

Forever broken into
A million pieces are
What consists to make ME..

Written Febuary 25, 2010

By ~Joni E.~
Joni E White "Ms. Wolf" Calm - 14 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
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Bill Reynolds
Coffee for two You have been given Coffee for two.
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Bill Reynolds "Rip my friend x" Lonely - 9 years, 8 months, 16 days ago

lots of love for your page You have been given lots of love for your page .
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SAMANTHA Loyal - 10 years, 6 days ago
Bill Reynolds
naw im not
Hugs for you! You have been given Hugs for you!.
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Bill Reynolds "Rip my friend x" Lonely - 10 years, 6 days ago
Bill Reynolds

Sending love your way You have been given Sending love your way.
Bill Reynolds "Rip my friend x" Lonely - 10 years, 12 days ago
Bill Reynolds

;) I Followed You Home You have been given ;) I Followed You Home.
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Bill Reynolds "Rip my friend x" Lonely - 10 years, 18 days ago

hugs You have been given hugs .
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SAMANTHA Loyal - 10 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
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a lil bit of everything under the stars

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