Here is a brief history of my little island.
For the moment here some facts from Puerto Rico. P.R. (Puerto Rico) is an island in the Caribbean is part of the Mayor Antilles. In 1492 we were colonized by the Spaniards. That brings here slaves from all over Africa and the Spaniards itself. Already here were Taino Indians living. A kind and friendly race. At first they believe the Spaniards were gods with their fair looks and demeanors. They slave them and took their lands. After a time the noble race of indians rebelled against the injustices committed to them. Some were afraid because believe that the Spaniards were gods but others have other believes. A group of indians drowned a Spaniard when they trick him. He was to cross a river and some of the indians offer their services to their master with the excuse to cross him without him been wet. They took the opportunity and drown the Spaniard Salcedo. After the Spaniards were discovered as liars and not gods; the indians begin their crusade to get rid of them. But nothing can be do. The primitive fighting methods of the Taino Indians can not be compared to the muskets, canyons, etc of the Spaniards.
Like in other places the first steps to the abolition of the slavery begun with a secret group that wanted the end of it. This secret society was called "Los diez mandamientos de los hombres libres" (The ten commandments of the free men). At first they buy the liberty of newborn slaves using the article of redemption in the baptism pile. Others free the slaves they inherit.
After the Secession War the United States united to Great Britain in their pressures to Spain for the freedom of the slaves. After a lot of struggles in March 22, 1873 it's approved the law of the Abolition of the Slavery in Puerto Rico.
The strategic value of Puerto Rico for the United States at the end of the nineteenth century centered in economic and military interests. In 1898 after the Spanish-American War, President McKinley's demanded the transfer of Puerto Rico from Spanish authorities to the United States without compensation. McKinley's offered a peace agreement conditions named Treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, 1898. The formal transfer of Puerto Rico to the United States took two months.
The Treaty of Paris gave the United States full control over all former Spanish military installations as well as some 120,000 acres of land formerly owned by the Spanish Crown on the island. The main military posts were located in the capital city of San Juan along with military bases in the towns of Cayey, Aibonito, Ponce, Mayagüez, Aguadilla and the adjacent island of Vieques. Puerto Rico remained under direct control of US military forces until the US Congress ratified the Foraker Law on April 12th, 1900, bringing a civilian government to the island.
To these days we are part of the U.S. We are the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, we use the same money as the U.S., the postal service, we are encourage to learn English as second language.
Puerto Ricans are the perfect blended mutt. We are a mix of Spaniards, Taino Indians, Africans, Portuguese, French, Germans, etc. For my part I believe we inherit the better traits of each race. You find Puerto Ricans in any place around the world. We blend nicely in any place without leave behind our cultural believes. Sometimes some people can't tell the different between a Puerto Rican from an American, Afro-American, etc.
We have great beaches and great monuments here. We have the National Rainforest "El Yunque" (a fairy tale place), "Bosque Seco de Guánica", a lot of beautiful places to visit here.
Okay that was a very brief history of my island. Hope you are not sleeping.I love history and believe in the phrase "The town that forgets its own history is condemned to repeat it" by George Santayana.
Thanks for the patience.
Unknown "B-Beauty" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago