I can sleep through any thing!
One cold night in the dessert of Iraq, all tucked up in my uncomfortable bed. Exhuasted from another hard days work in the baking sun, i am sound asleep, when i start to dream.
Boom a plane crashes into a house and another into the road. Planes are crashing everywhere. Load bangs as these planes crash, whats going on.
Then a trully frightfull explosion shocks me instantly to a startled awareness. Rockets are impacting all around me the last one that had woke me only a couple of hundred yards behind my tent. I know what i must do and fast.
I roll straight out of bed hitting the hard floor with a thud, i am now in cover surrounded by my three layers high of concrete blocks. Coffins we call them. i struggle panicked on the floor to grab my armour and helmet from under the bed and put it on trying to stay as low as possible.
I now wait the bombardment has stopped. I wait here for an hour. The cirrens sound i can now get up and out of my armour and back to the safety of sleep.
Night night, hope you all sleep well!
Unknown Cheeky
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago