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Unknown's tales
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
- 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
glitter-graphics.comThere is a lot to be said for turning 40, a lot changes between the age of 20 and 40, how you think, feel, decipher, determine, and decide what is right for you. Not always is it welcome as others may still want to influence and shape the direction your life will take. However being 40 plus you have come to discover you matter, your thoughts, opinions , capabilities, strengths and courage to stand alone with your choice because its simply the right one for you. Its not always and easy path but one you walk alone at times and at other times is over crowded, your lessons learn with each crossing, serve purpose, perhaps not immediate but all the same in time purpose and meaning. In the times you walk alone, don’t be afraid or discouraged, keep placing one foot in front of the other, your likely to meet up with someone who is walking alone too, coming together to find common ground yes, but more importantly glimpses of reasons forgotten as to why you walked this path in the first place. Other times you will be with many, celebrating and encouraging those that are lagging behind, these times are easy, these times are joyous, relish in them as this too shall pass. Sometimes you will stop your journey and sit for awhile and ponder the direction of your next step, when sitting in your complete silence the answer will come, and you will move forward once again. Praise comes with the popular choice, dignity comes with the choice that’s right for you. . Don’t fear getting older, it’s for statistics only, look forward to the knowledge gained and lessons learn,, wisdom carries no wrinkles, no illness, no pain, it is a gift given at any time under any circumstances, for those that need it at any time under any circumstances. glitter-graphics.com
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
Never underestimate the STRENGTH, COURAGE or INTELLIGENCE of a woman, especially if you are one. a href="http://s210.photobucket.com/albums/bb120/dvirgo40/?actiondisable=view¤t=fema le_warrior.jpg" target="_blank">
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
glitter-graphics.comImagine a woman who authors her own life. A woman who exerts, initiates and moves on her own behalf. Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self and her wisest voice Imagine a woman in love with her own body. A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is. Who celebrates her body and its rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource. Imagine a woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom. Who refuses to use precious energy disguising the changes in her body and life. Imagine a woman who values the women in her life. A woman who sits in circles of women. Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets glitter-graphics.com
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Angel, Hearts. Thinking of You etc
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