I was riding my bike in the freezing weather and I had to go to CVS to get some Holiday Cards. I wanted to get some so I could give some cards to people at work and then I also wanted to get some for other people as well. So I was riding my bike for god knows how cold it is out there with the wind blowing. I didn't have a hat or gloves on. I was wearing a helmet. (Safety first, solves the worst). Well My little 12 yr old brother was coming along on his scooter and he was only wearing a long sleeve shirt and a short sleeve shirt over that with jeans and sneakers. I was wearing Long sleeve shirt, jacket, cackies, socks and shoes. Anyways back to the story. We got to CVS and I locked up the bike and the scooter and then headed in out of the freezing cold. I got 2 packs of greeting cards sets. There are 18 cards in each. My brother wanted TIC TAC's and I said I will get him 1 pack. He said sure. So I went up to the register and said this is all. He said ok. Total will be (so n so)! I said ok. Gave him a $10 and got the change back. We went back to the locked up bike and scooter and we road back home. Of course this time I had my hands in my coat sleeve so they would stay warm. We were almost home when I saw my brother wasn't behind me on his scooter. I quickly turned around and went back. I said "I hope he didn't get hit by a car or something." I went back and didn't see him at all. So I assumed he went another way. Not seeing him I was like "Oh crap. He was kidnapped or is lost." So I went the way home I'd think he'd go and I saw a couple of people throwing the ball to each other. I asked them "Did you see a kid on a scooter go by here?" He said "Yes I did. A couple minutes ago." I was like good so he is probably ok now since he is not to far from home. (Remind you he is 12 years old) I said he is probably at home. So I got home about 3 minutes later and he was doing the trash throughout the house. I was like "If you ever leave me like that again I would seriously call 911." He was like "I didn't know where you went. So I just went home another way." I said "You were right behind me the whole time. You could at least of said you were going another way" He was like "I couldn't find you" I said "Don't let that ever happen again ok?" He said "OK! GEESH!" That is my tale for the day. Hope you liked it! Unknown"Luvabl n Hugabl"Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago