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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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...closed eyes...

Unknown, 25/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:05 AM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Location: London United Kingdom

"A shadow fallen to this world"
About me:
* *********************************************************************** Just floating in this paralell dimension like a shadow among normal people with normal life... Searching for the beauty in everything... The beauty what I find beautifull... the ultimate beauty... everywhere... but so less is in this world... * * *********************************************************** * *
About you:
PLEASE, COME AND VISIT MY MINICITY! * * * * Please, thumb on my herd, I'm going to return the favour... And also, please take a look on my shop too... maybe find some things you like:))) * *

Get your myspace * *

**************************************************************************** Final Fantasy Character Test
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy VII
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): Falling feathers - Thumbs 4 me
Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, For the love of YAOI and CATBOYS, ANIME LOVERS, ==The Forbidden Haven==, ♥Love me, Love you!!♥, Final Fantasy VII Lovers, Thailand club, ~°° PLANET♥HP °°~, J-rock stuff
"Hime no Tenshi"
100000 pts
"Hime no Tsuki"
25000 pts

1481 pts

"my storm prince"
70 pts

60 pts

60 pts

60 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Why have I allways hear the same from everybody around... How they dare telling me that my thoughts are sick? Just because I find other things important/beautiful/interesting like them? Who has the right of judge me? Just because they are f***ing immerged in this forced grey world, why would they living on the "right side"? Being obsessed by own car, or fighting fanatically on a soccer mach, that's normal...? What's wrong with me? Nothing! I'am who I am, F*CK OFF who don't likes my behaviour... Everybody has the option to avoid me...
Why is better holding tight to the reality? And anyway.. Everything is just the footstep of feelings... Why it matters if it's "phisical" or virtual?
And why should I be happy? Or showing happiness? I'm not f***ing obligatory for anybody... In the school at least nobody bothered me...
My dark and melancholic mind has just the same right as their... And so what... Me, I find THEM sick...
Before, I was allways wondering, that how can it be that never meet anybody who would be like me? Who would understand me, sharing my opinions and sight... Maybe because people like me just exists like shadows in a world of noise, staying in silence without any interest of being loved, or even just observed...
I don't say, that sometimes I'm not lonely... But mostly just alone. NOT lonely. I wish from the inside of my heart to meet somebody who understands and share my world... But really don't need anybody who call themselves "normal" ...
Unknown "♥Izanami♥" ...closed eyes... - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
A beautiful video what was sent to me by my beloved Master:)))... Thanks Todd!

Unknown "♥Izanami♥" ...closed eyes... - 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
"My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface
Quietly, but surely."

- from "LOVELESS" -

Unknown "♥Izanami♥" ...closed eyes... - 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
"There's nothing either good or bad
But thinking makes it so"
William Shakespeare

FF XIII Versus HD extended trailer.... (simply wondeful...)

Unknown "♥Izanami♥" ...closed eyes... - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
My LOVE...

Unknown "♥Izanami♥" ...closed eyes... - 16 years, 8 months, 24 days ago
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You have been given Fallen.
Crafted by Darren Burns
Kumiko "♥Agent 00chibi" Ferocious - 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Luna Aurora
please say that u're not leaving hp totally my dear...
You have been given I'm Dying ♥Missing You♥.
Crafted by Luna Aurora
Luna Aurora "Calacirya" ♥ Bittersweet ♥ - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
Chuck York
Happy Birthday dearest! hope to hear from u soon..miss u..:D
You have been given be with u 4ever...
Crafted by Unknown
Chuck York "yorky" Lazy - 16 years, 3 months ago
Luna Aurora
Happy New Year Brigitta..missed u..x.x.
You have been given Happy New Year.
Crafted by P xo
Luna Aurora "Calacirya" ♥ Bittersweet ♥ - 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Luna Aurora
You have been given ♥Undying Love♥.
Crafted by Lacrymosa Von-Q
Luna Aurora "Calacirya" ♥ Bittersweet ♥ - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Chuck York
when can i hear??????? lolz.... hope u are well dearest :D
You have been given Missing your Voice.
Crafted by Axel Michels
Chuck York "yorky" Lazy - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Shatter Frame



In my little shop you can find some little things what I like, and hope all of you will like them:)... I'm going to put more and more items, and changing sometimes, for all of you, dear costumers :D, can find for your tastes:)))!
Pls check the second page too... there are also lot of items too...

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I will take care of you!
1 use

200 pts
I will take care of you!
Bought by 40 people
Fight you for my pet!
1 use

200 pts
Fight you for my pet!
Bought by 22 people
have u allways in my mind...
1 use

180 pts
have u allways in my mind...
Bought by 16 people
1 use

180 pts
Bought by 28 people
Yours... allways...
1 use

180 pts
Yours... allways...
Bought by 7 people
keep my eyes on you...
1 use

180 pts
keep my eyes on you...
Bought by 14 people
reading u "loveless"
1 use

180 pts
reading u  "loveless&quot
Bought by 23 people
To protect you...
1 use

180 pts
To protect you...
Bought by 13 people
thinking of you...
1 use

180 pts
thinking of you...
Bought by 25 people
wish a lovely day!
1 use

180 pts
wish a lovely day!
Bought by 37 people
Your absence so hurts me...
1 use

180 pts
Your absence so hurts me...
Bought by 13 people
So far away from you...
1 use

180 pts
So far away from you...
Bought by 3 people
My Prince...
1 use

180 pts
My Prince...
Bought by 9 people
Hands off from my pet!
1 use

180 pts
Hands off from my pet!
Bought by 12 people
my beauty...
1 use

180 pts
my beauty...
Bought by 26 people
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