I'll be taking out my photoshop ticket from my shop pretty soon,
due to other real life commitments. so grab em' while they last!
As for my auctions.. it'll be less.. i can only predict.. once/twice a month?
For those whom i still owe the prize, give me till the weekend.
Hands tight.. busy as hell. Thank you for your understanding :D
These are the people i currently owe pictures to:
Gunpower Eriksson
Tzyy Ling x2
Rita Price (i haven't got ur reply on which photo.. i'll just pick out one yeah)
Maggie Kimitt
Ashley Riggs (i need bigger size photos if u have thanks!)
If i owe u somehow and i didn't mention u, do msg me
and help me recall my failing memory! thank you!
Unknown "PikaLollipop" Trusting
- 17 years, 29 days ago