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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 52500 points.


"Cigar Angel"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

About me:
About you:
Looking for:
Herds (lead): Loved by Nicholas
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, ~Ink & Steel~, Emily's sex slaves, When Irish Eyes Are Smiling!, Sexiest Girls and Boys, 20 pages, killers ninja
57434 pts

"Dan the wo-man"
6156 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Lets play a little game.
- Repost in your tales with your answers......

Yes or No
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the Fun. Copy and paste this into your tales, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then see what happens.

Kissed anyone one of your HP friends? yes
Slept with your HP owners? No
Had crushes on your owners or pets? Yes
Dated someone u met on HP? yes
Met Hp friends in person, looking completely different from their actual pictures? yes
Had a one night stand with a HP friend? no
Kissed someone you didn't like? yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
Held a snake? yes
Ran a red light? yes
Been suspended from school? yes
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? yes
Been fired from a job? no
Sang karaoke? no
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
Sang in the shower? Yes
Sat on a rooftop? Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes
Broken a bone? yes
Shaved your head? no
Blacked out from drinking? yes
Played a prank on someone? Yes
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? no
Been in a band? No
Shot a gun? yes
Tripped on mushrooms? yes
Donated Blood? yes
Eaten alligator meat? No
Eaten cheesecake? Yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes
Think about the future? Yes
Believe in love? yes

Unknown "Cigar Angel" Perplexed - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
I just made my first heard... please join up!
Unknown "Cigar Angel" Perplexed - 17 years, 10 days ago
so i found that thing below... and i couldn't help but to put it up here.
Unknown "Cigar Angel" Perplexed - 17 years, 13 days ago
___________88:::::88888888::::::m::::::::::::::88888888888____8 _________888888888888888888:M::::::::::::::::8888888888888 ________88888888888888888888:::::::::::::::::M88888888888888 ________8888888888888888888888:::::::::::::M8888888888888888 _________8888888888888888888888::::::::::M888888888888888888 ________8888888888888888::88888:::::::::M88888888888888888888 ______88888888888888888:::88888::::::::M888888888888888___8888 _____88888888888888888:::88888::::::M:::::;o*M*o;888888888____88 ____88888888888888888:::8888:::::::M::::::::::::::::::88888888____8 ___88888888888888888::::88:::::::::M:;:::::::::::::::::::888888888 __8888888888888888888:::8:::::::::M::::aAa::::::::::::M8888888888_______8 __88___8888888888::88::::8::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::888888888888888_8888 _88__88888888888:::8::::::::::::::M:::::::::::;::::::::88:88888888888888888 _8__8888888888888::::::::::::::::M::::@@@@::::::::8w8888888888888888 __88888888888:888:::::::::::::::M:::::::@a@:::::::M8i888888888888888 _8888888888::::88:::::::::::::::M888:::::::::::::::::M88z88888888888888888 8888888888:::::8::::::::::::::::M88888::::::::::::MM888!888888888888888888 888888888:::::8::::::::::::::::M8888888MAmAMVMM88*88888888___88888888 888888_M::::::::::::::::::::::M888888888:::::::::MM8888888888888___8888888 8888___M:::::::::::::::::::::M88888888888:::::::MM88888888888888____88888 _888___M::::::::::::::::::::M8888888888888M:::::mM888888888888____888 __888__M:::::::::::::::::::M8888:8888888888888:::m::Mm8888_8888___888 ___88__M:::::::::::::::::::8888:8888888888888888:::::::::Mm8___8888___888 ___88__M::::::::::::::::8888M::88888::888888888888::::::::::Mm8888____88 ___8___MM:::::::::::::8888M::::8888:::::888888888888::::::::::::Mm8_____4 _______8M::::::::::::8888M:::::::888::::::::88:::8888888::::::::::::::Mm_____2 ______88MM:::::::::8888M::::::::::88:::::::::8:::::888888:::::::::M::::::M _____8888M:::::::::888MM::::::::::::8::::::::::::M::::8888:::::::::::M::::M ____88888M:::::::::88:M:::::::::::::::8:::::::::::::M:::8888::::::::::::M::M ___88_888MM::::::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888::::::::::::::M: ___8_88888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88:::::::::::::::::M _____88888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::::*88*::::::::::::M:88::::::::::::::::::::M ____888888M::::::88::M:::::::::::::::88@@88::::::::::M::88:::::::::::::::::::::M ____888888MM::::88::MM:::::::::::::88@@88:::::::::::M::::8:::::::::::::::::::::*8 ____88888__M::::::8::MM:::::::::::::::*88*:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 88@ ____8888___MM:::::::::MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::8 8@@ _____888____M:::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 888/ _____888____MM:::::::::::MMM:::::::::::::::::::::MM::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::MM ______88_____M:::::::::::::MMMM::::::::::::MMMM::::::::MM::::::::::::::::::::MMM _______88____MM:::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMMM:::::::::::::MMM:::::::MMMMMM ________88____MM:::::::::::::::::::MMMMM::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMMII _________88___8MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMMMM __________8___88MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M:::M:::::::::::MMM ______________888MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::::::::MM::::::MM _____________88888MM::::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::mM:::::MM
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Unknown "Cigar Angel" Perplexed - 17 years, 13 days ago
just FYI... i was in a car accedant last night. I totaled my car. DAMN ICE AND SNOW!!!! grrrr! I feel like shit. my head is killing me. ugh... ok.. just wanted to let everyone know that i am now without transport. no worries... i should be just fine.
Unknown "Cigar Angel" Perplexed - 17 years, 14 days ago
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Unknown "lee" Rabid - 16 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
Nicole S
You have been given werd.
Crafted by Crissy Llora
Nicole S Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Nicole S

You have been given *havin a snack while stalking u*.
Crafted by Eee Tee
Nicole S Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Nicole S

You have been given stalking sunflower.
Crafted by Nocy
Nicole S Peaceful - 16 years, 5 months, 14 days ago
Nicole S

You have been given Pretty gangsta.
Crafted by Cinnamon
Nicole S Peaceful - 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
Hello love~!
Unknown "lee" Rabid - 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Pub

We sell a lil bit of anything we can find... such is the life of an Irish Rover...

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don't cry!
1 use

300 pts
don't cry!
Bought by 7 people
1 use

150 pts
Bought by 3 people
come on... you know you want it
1 use

300 pts
come on... you know you want it
Bought by 26 people
ARGH!!! Show me some booty!
1 use

100 pts
ARGH!!! Show me some booty!
Bought by 21 people
1 use

100 pts
Bought by 10 people
Sad without you
1 use

100 pts
Sad without you
Bought by 35 people
I'll never let anyone hurt you
1 use

550 pts
I'll never let anyone hurt you
Bought by 23 people
Lets cuddle
1 use

100 pts
Lets cuddle
Bought by 14 people
rock on!!!
1 use

125 pts
rock on!!!
Bought by 10 people
Happy 4-20
1 use

100 pts
Happy 4-20
Bought by 9 people
Passionate Kiss
1 use

550 pts
Passionate Kiss
Bought by 36 people
No thumbs for you...
1 use

150 pts
No thumbs for you...
Bought by 14 people
I'll do your homework
1 use

100 pts
I'll do your homework
Bought by 21 people
my heart...
1 use

350 pts
my heart...
Bought by 5 people
dance with me!
1 use

125 pts
dance with me!
Bought by 15 people
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