It's been quite awhile since the girl had her hear broken, and although she misses him she as begun to move on. Athough she isn't getting any closer to happiness, her emotion's are wild and mixed. She has becoe very vulnerable to almost everything around her. The simplest comment can make her day, and the tiniest insult could break her. At this point, she feels her emotions have been latching on to all the same people who have hurt in the past. The more sympathy she recieves, the more she falls for each. How she loaths the vulnerableness, it is out to dstroy her. She won't let it, she will do her best to erase it frm her life. So far it hasn't been very succesful though :( But she tries, and thats the best she can do. Her heart it still weak, her mind even weaker.. but ready to give her out to another but only one worthy of it.
Unknown "Miss Lovely " Confused
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
So, it's been a few days since that girl had her heartbroken and nothing has changed. She still feels the same about him, and she still feels the same amount of hurt as did that very night he tore her apart..maybe even more. She's been wasting away in her room, in bed watching t.v, eating comfort food, and feeling useless. It's like there's something missing in her life, she feels lost every time she wonders away from her room, with a feeling of why and where is she going..what will she do? She doesn't have the will to go out, or the desire. Is all she asks for is time alone, will she ever be the same? that is a question she asks herself quite frequently. She imagines one day she'll be the same as she used to, and over him. But she doesn't know if true happiness will be awaiting her. She wants help, someone to guide her through this mess, because she knows she must get through it cause she's been around long enough to know that wishes don't come true and that he'll never be hers again, none of them..will ever be hers again.
Unknown "Miss Lovely " Confused
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
There once was a girl, with a dream that meant the world to her. That dream was to find true love, she knew it was going to take awhile to find "the one", but she had no idea the world of hurt she was in for. All the broken hearts,the puddle of tears & the feeling of lose. For the first time, she thought she found him..he made her forget about everyone who ever hurt her and she was extremely happy and looking forward to their relationship. Then he broke her heart, she was shocked & worst of all he wasn't the person she always thougt he was..it turned out he was just another ex. For some reason this one seemed to hurt more, all this time she thought her heart had gotten stronger but it didn't feel like it when he left her. All night she cried her eyes out, more then ever before..she had never even cried that much before, even when she lost her best friend to death. Now she's in a depression wondering what she did wrong, why she's never good enough, and if she's even meant for love.
Unknown "Miss Lovely " Confused
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago