i have now updated my shop... the name has changed too... ^_^ WELCOME TO DIANA'S ONION SHOP!! =D XD i'm proudly the supplier of Onion emotes =D please support Onion-chan and allow him to express you for him ^_^
i have also kept a few of my old items... since they seem to be quite popular... but i'll soon be cleaning those out too to make a shop fully Onion based... =D so this is the clearance sale!! buy while you can!! =D
Mood: Tired... can barely keep my eyes open Song of the Moment: Skyward Avenue by We the Kings Next goal: to get some sleep...
Unknown"☜-Diana- ☞"Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
this is the time of year... to be HAPPPYYY!! woot!! =D
so smile like you mean it ;) and laugh till you feel it!! =D the whole world is spinning away in chaos, but that just makes it better...!!
Trust me, just laugh it all off ^_^ *bow down to happiness*
oh on a note here... HI NEW OWNER, PHILIP!! ^__^ remember to be happy happy happy for me, mkay....? ^o^
Mood: HAPPY!!! ^_______________^ Song of the Moment: Aqua Timez - ほんとはね (Hontowane) ...somehow this band always manages to make me smile =) Next goal: where a dress sometime soon in the future... (more like a challenge)
Unknown"☜-Diana- ☞"Playful
- 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
hai~~ this is my first tale =) woot :D
hahahahahaha well exams are finally over, can take some time in to relax and just be me again =) think i should hold a welcome back party for the return of lil D-Chan? :D hahahahahahaha
i have recently gotten back into my Jay Chou mood =) he's songs are just too good for me to leave for too long :P i still like his old classics compared to the new stuff tho @_@ ...hmmm been really into 遛你玩 :P such a fun song Jay sings with Vae!! :D and i love the piano bits!! cant stop listening to it~~~ one day, i'm gonna learn that piano part and get some rapper to rap Play You for me :'D
Mood: Indescribable @_@ Song of the Moment: 遛你玩 Jay Chou & Vae ^^ Next Goal: COSPLAY!! XD
Unknown"☜-Diana- ☞"Playful
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago