I am who I am... I'm simply just me. Simple, random, wild, tamed, loved, hated, sweet, sour. I am your greatest fantasy or worse nightmare... it's just simply the matter of which side of me you chose. This is me...plain and simple. I chose to not be like everybody else and just do, dress and act how ever I feel, and say whatever is on my scrabble mind. Do the same, it's liberating!
Unknown "Quien me quiere?" Dazed
- 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Holitas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheke... me estoy colgando en la clase!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woojooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so por ende estoy considerando darme de baja porque pues al fin y al cabo tengo q cogerla otra vez so porque no salir del estres ahora y disfrutar lo que queda de verano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! que piensan!???????? (thumb mucho si piensan que si) anywayz notifiquenme de lo que no me puedo perder de lo que queda! MUAXIS!
Unknown "Quien me quiere?" Dazed
- 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
The Pigeon is all better now! it even started to fly we gave it to a neighbor who takes care of them and raises them so I think my family did our share with mother nature... now we gotta let her work her magic! Here it is! all better and ready to see the world!
Unknown "Quien me quiere?" Dazed
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
So got home from College just for the weekend... and just found out my dog Keyser almost killed a pigeon... but my mom managed to take it from him and save it... it's a young one and it's super scared! but the good thing it's still alive poor thing... I love my dog but he can be a little rough when it comes to playing jajaja I know he didn't mean it he doesn't know any better! but poor pigeon. Anyways it's safe and we are feeding it and giving it water. I think it'll be fine and soon it can fly again. I'm a softy when it comes to animals! BIG ANIMAL LOVER!
Unknown "Quien me quiere?" Dazed
- 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
Bueno, deje la vagancia por un lado y empeze a estudiar hasta ahora va bien... y eso me asusta!!! ajajaja pero nada no puedo ser pesimista y pues si pasan es porque tenian q pasar y pues aprender a lidiar con eso aunq no sea facil. Hagan lo mismo, fuerza de voluntad! Anyways yo voy a seguir estudiando :( pero algun dia vere los frutos. MUAX
Unknown "Quien me quiere?" Dazed
- 16 years, 8 months, 27 days ago