In my dream last night, there was an ongoing theme, something about a little boy, and I believe he was lost, but the thing is that the scenes changed very drastically. I remember dense fog, seeping through the eucalyptus; the family I believe already gave up for the time on finding the boy, it was already night time. It seems that recently magic has been a part of my dreams, which is interesting; I usually have such mundane dreams. This time I could hear him I suppose, as he was the fog, and I started singing into the fog.
Of course then the scene changed to a day scene at a farm, theoretically still the same place. Here’s an interesting catch, I haven’t had an intense dog nightmare in some time now. In fact when I do have a dream with a remote flavor of it, all I see is a larger feral or something in the distant field from my dad’s house, with patches of lupines (the weed/flower) all in the field. (Short fact for the clueless as to why I’m making a note of this, most females going to my dad’s house or at least in the family have dreams of dogs, or bears, my sister had more bears, I get both.)
So this time, I somehow find the boy on my own, coming out from the fog into this sunny farm land. He is in the far corner of the field, and is lying in the weeds; he was attacked by a dog, the kind that lock-jaws, but he wasn’t bitten because instead, I was. I fought the dog, which is out of the ordinary….because in all my dog dreams I end up petrified and attempt to dash to my dad’s house with them hot on the tail to jump in on me.( usually these are also sleep paralysis dreams now that I think about it) So this time my arm is chomped, and somehow, I kill the dog, or the dog releases me, either way, the dog just vanishes.
I go down into the farm, calling out for the eldest woman, a grandma figure, even I called her grandma, but she wasn’t my grandma, I didn’t even belong there. We head back down the path and are confronted by a bear (go figure) and I think a deer, or something of that sort, a cannibal deer, it didn’t look friendly. I growled at the bear, very bear like myself, it looked small, but it didn’t take any crap. So I pulled out a flint gun and shot it in the air about three times in the next sequence in order to walk to the boy. The people vanished, it was just me. I kneeled by the boy, he was not breathing, but when I touched him on his right wrist, he was warm and he opened his eyes.
Unknown "Suicide Beauty"
- 17 years, 2 days ago