It's a horrid day when you realize that the population strewn across the internet is almost entirely corrupted by the temptation of sex, lies and destruction. When so many people (on human pets for example) demand naughty things from the strangers they play with and those strangers are actually willing to satisfy such wretched desires for invisible, meaningless points, you know that the world has hit a point of disgusting, repulsiveness. I am appalled by all of you who have shared nudes, sex talk, etc with strangers, for points; cheated on mates to further your status in a mere game; and honestly considered that I may seriously allow such disrespect as to join in your sick pleasure. You should all be ashamed.
Unknown "Leia" Uncertain
- 16 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
Ding Dong, the clock is wrong- It chimes it's only eight. However, when I look outside, it seems so very late. The willow crying heartache from the wind beneath it's bones. The air damp and aging- caught in a whirlpool, alone. Ding, dong, ding, the racing clock will only ring. And the time must follow it's rule. The minute hand will be the dictator- and the calendar a mule.
Unknown "Leia" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
I want to be your muse. The only one you love, adore and maybe even abuse. Make me pretty. Make me mysterious. Make me your description of absolute perfection... The only muse you see. Let my eyes be your universe, my lips be your bed, Let the fibers of my being entangle you and rule the corners of your head. With my fingers as your brush strokes and my smile as your sun. Treat me as your muse and I shall never run. Finished? I don't know..
Unknown "Leia" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
Today is a sad day...*Sigh*
Unknown "Leia" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago