The boredom that is my life caused me to do this.
---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend-- a kid..i guess greg anthony jus cuz hes the first kid i memba, as an adolescent dayz n ruthie prob, but now, all grown up, christopher.
First Screenname--
First Pet Name--
First Piercing--
First Crush--
Joe, this kid in 3rd grade
First CD--
i do believe it was britney spears, lol. i still have that cd.
First School--
a prep school in Jamaica
First House Location--
st.thomas, Jamaica
First Kiss--
Joe, I was 12
First Car--
umm, imm have to go with betty lou.
---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked--
uh...bout 2-3yrs now.
Last Food You Ate--
Last Car Ride--
the way to work.
Last Movie You Watched--
The musketeers! yey for the musketeers!
Last Phone Call--
My boss.
Last CD You Listened To--
Last Bubble Bath You Took--
ummm....Imma guess...when i was little.
Last Song You Listened To--
Desecration Smile - RHCP
Last Words You Said--
"ok, ill get it out to him" - to my boss bout something i gotta go do.
---8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend--
Been Arrested--
Been On TV--
Eaten Sushi--
Yes, n it sux.
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F--
Not no.
Been On A Blind Date--
Been Out Of The Country--
yup yup
Been In Love--
---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1- New York t-shirt i stolez from my dad
2- capri's
3- sandals
4- gold necklace (unusual for me, im a silver person)
5- Glasses
6- the two little studs in the third holen my ears n the one in the cartilage.
7- class ring.
---6 Things You've Done Today---
1- Surfed the net
2- checked the mail at work
3- fed the dog.
4- talked to my boss.
5- filled out this survey thing.
6- yelled at the cat.
---5 Favorite Things---
1- jack daniels.
2- my ipod
3- my folder with all my letters
4- sleeping
5- the calm after a storm
---4 People You Most Trust---
1- chris
2- lea
3- tom
4- lyn
---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1- i have no plans on dying.
---2 Choices---
1- Pirates or Ninjas: Pirates, bishes!!! :B
2- Vanilla or Chocolate: hersheys chocolate bar, but vanilla ice cream
--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1- the husbandly owner.
Unknown "sexy" Playful
- 16 years, 8 months, 29 days ago