For the last few days, life has been horribly hectic, and painful to the heart, and soul! Kendra (going to be 16 months tomorrow) has been ill for a few days now. Her fever went up to 104.5 yesterday (Sunday), and we took her to the hospital, obviously. Well the Dr that seen her was told she was unknowingly at the time, exposed to Scarlet Fever, and has been very ill for a few days. The Dr scanned her over very quickly (which I put up a bit of a 'fuss' over to say the least) and diagnosed her as having a mild cold and fever. I knew that was NOT the only thing she had. She had a horrible rash on her chest, neck and face, even her tongue!! Plus, she had been vomitting horribly, not eating at all, she was slowly getting dehydrated despite our attempts of keeping Pedialyte in her, the list of symptoms continues. The most scariest one was her fever. Anyways, needless to say the Dr also said her throat was very red. He said it appeared to be a bacterial infection, and give her Tyl. and Advil and she'd be fine by today... (I think he needs his head examined!!! Which he was told that before I left!) So, today (Monday) Kendra started to get worse. I debated on making her and Karley wait in the ER waiting room for up to 10 hours, or fight with our family Dr's receptionist to get her in to see our Dr. For some odd reason, luck was on my side or something this morning because they took her right in. Once our Dr. looked her over, he was insanely shocked! He could not believe that another physician said it was nothign major, prescribed her nothing, and sent her home. So she was diagnosed as having severe Strep Throat (beginning stages of Scarlet Fever). Luckily the antibiotics she's on now, apparently is going to 'reverse' the infection to a much minor state then she will be back on ammends! THANK GOD! She's still running a fever, but it of course is going to take a bit for the meds to kick in, but she's slowly starting to eat some toast, and drinking more thank God! So the past few days have been HORRIBLE. I have NEVER seen my girls this sick. Never want to see it again. They've both unfortunatly have had there trying times with severe health issues in the past, but I've never seen one of them this sick from an infection. HORRIBLE! Now I'm heading off to bed... Hope Kendra sleeps well... 2 hours of sleep in 3 1/2 days is HORRIBLE! LOL NIGHT NIGHT!
Unknown "Ms. Pepper" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
The most beautiful sound which is music to my heart and soul is the sound of my children's laughter! The greatest thing I wake up to every morning is hearing the pitter patter of my daughter's feet on the floor coming into my bedroom. Then all of a sudden I feel a bouncing like motion on the end of my bed, I sit up and see her sitting on my bed with a big smile, and saying 'Morning Mama! I missed you last night! I had to tell you I love you!' The next thing I here coming from the crib is my other daughter. 'Mama, Mama - Mmmmaaaa!' Karley and I walk over to the crib and pick Kendra up, and sit down on the floor together. Just the three of us. I get a bear hug from both of my precious girls. We walk out of the room saying our I love yous, and I missed yous, and our good mornings, while holding hands. This is the way I love waking up every morning. I wouldn't want to be waken up any other way. It's so breath taking. I love my babies! :D
Unknown "Ms. Pepper" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Somethings on HP I find are confussing. However, I have met some WONDERFUL people on here. I'm so greatful for starting to use this application, and finally giving into a few friends (and my big brothers) requests to join. Without finally giving in, I would have not met these amazing people. Some say that you can't believe what is online, whether it's reading material, or chats, or whatever the case may be. However, certain people are believable. Certain people, you can't help but want to believe. Some people you can't help but admire (not sexually for the sick minded LOL), and feel inspired by. Again, I'm truly greatful. It's honestly nice to have someone to talk to, especially in those moments in your life when you feel completely alone, and then all of a sudden you start talking with someone, even only a few sentences, and you no longer feel alone. *Sighs* Ok, I'm done making NO sense to some people LOL
Unknown "Ms. Pepper" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Trying to come up with a name for the baby... We have a name if it's a boy, but for a girl...it seems impossible! Len doesn't like what I like, and vise versa! We're hoping to stick with the K's but so far, no name... Frusterating!
Unknown "Ms. Pepper" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
My beautiful girl at age 6 days (Kendra)
Unknown "Ms. Pepper" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago