Wonder whats going on in this outside world lately.. kinda feel so lost.. like i no longer have a life to live out..for those who have been through army i am sure they know this feeling only too well.
Cheers to those who know what i speak of. And to those who don't understand let me see if i can put it down in words..
From the moment you enter army..your life is kinda turned upside down inside out.. your normal mondays to fridays have basically become training and excerises.. you lose your normal sense of life which mostly to me consists of going out with friends or going to school.. staying home to chat up with friends..or even going to church which normally takes like 2-3 days in a week for me that is.. now its more of hey isn't this how u strip this gun? or hey can i get a claim from this? You no longer know whats the newest phone or the lastest gadget or the lastest music or whats the new in thing..u somewhat become a caveman again..
ya so thats somewhat its about. But than again its also the times when u are lying on the forest floor unable to sleep and talking about the funniests things to guys you are working with.. like what kinda girl did you date.. or how many girlfriends you've had..it turns to a heart to heart talk where you can almost say hey i am with my close friends talking till morning..maybe we have more in common than you know.. ^_^
Unknown Wild
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago