love working with kids.
if you have myspace check out the pics i posted on my KIDS and AIMS will bring a smile to your face i guarantee =) they are a cute adorable bunch.
love the hugs..
love the feeling of them clinging unto my leg..
love the feeling of the touch of their little hands running through my hair..
love how they fall asleep on my lap while watching a movie with me with their little hands clutching tightly to my hands..
and one really sweet statement that came out of my 5 yrld old student say which i iwll never forget because its just too does say the darnest thing..
angelish: teacher you havent teach us for a long time.when you gonna teach us?
me: well, i have to study in college dear.. but i think the next class is on wednesday i believe..
angelish: oh really??!! then i will sleep early the night before that!!
she is an angel isnt she? =)
hugs to all~~
Sophia "DA LOVELY PIXIE" Dazed
- 17 years, 3 months, 1 day ago