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Unknown's tales
Just a quick question- Dont you wish your girlfreind was hot like me?
Unknown Sexy - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
This is the short version of the other tale, for those who are in a rush.
Christmas eve eve I was attacked with a knife.
Dude is in jail.
Quick, rush off now.
Unknown Sexy - 17 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
I'm a security Officer, for some clubs and bars around melbourne.
It's christmas eve and last night a man decided to give me a present.
At approx 10pm last night I ejected a man peacefully from one of the bars I work at. In fact, he left himself, and the other security officer just stopped him from re-entering the venue.
He was a little annoyed, and demanded that the security officer, Andy, tell his friends the situation.
Andy called me over, so I went downstairs and spoke with the ejectee, who asked me to tell his freinds that he was leaving.
I did so, and returned to tell him that his freinds thanked him and wished him a good night.
The guy then asked if I wanted to suck his cock, as he wasnt going just yet, and had things to do.
I ignored said phrase and waited for him to leave.
After about 5-10 minutes of him hanging around with his G/F I asked the other guard to return upstairs to watch the venue, as there were only 2 of us.
I also returned to the upstairs, but stayed at the top of the stairs to watch for him returning.
Sure enough about 2-3 minutes later he came sneaking up, at the half way point there is a landing, and I met him on that. I repeatedly told him that it was time for him to go, and that he was not able to re-enter the building.
He became very personally aggressive towards me, and demanded I look into his eyes.
The 2nd Guard had come back by this stage, and was encouraging him to leave peacefully as well.
He was twisted slightly away from me to one side, and after about the 10th time asking him to leave, I decided it was time to just remove him.
I picked him up by the upper arms, and took him down the stairs.
His feet caught on one stair, and he fell, I controlled the decent and he hit the ground gently.
As he was coming up, the other guard leapt forward yelling "bottle" as the guy bought his hand from around his back with a bottle, trying to smash it over my head. A scuffle occurred, and we locked up both his arms and took him outside, asking his G/F to take him home.
They left.
We waited at the door for a car to leave the carpark, when he came running back along the path, which extends for about 35m straight out from the venue. as he came running up the path I could see something in his hand but not what.
As he got a couple of meters away he screamed "who'se a tough guy now?" and leapt at me with a 20 cm bowing knife (like dundee's famous "that's not a knife, THIS is a knife) slashing at my head. I luckily delfected his arm and twisted away, and pushed him off.
I remember us both then stopped, about 1m apart, him with a knife in his hand, me with nothing, and thinking "why am I waiting for him to go again?" so I launched at him, one hand at his throat, the other grabbing the knife wrist, and I pushed him backwards.
Later we worked out that I actually tackled him so hard he ended up flying backwards about 3 meters before landing on his back with me on top, one hand at his throat, the other holding his knife hand to the ground, when the other guard came up and jumped on him as well, stomping on his wrist, and making him drop the knife.
THEN once we had the knife secured and away from him, we had him well and truely pinned down, we decided we'd turn him onto his belly and hold him there.
AS we were turning him over, he told us off for being too rough!
I have now a tiny scratch on my face, where his knife made contact. Another half cm more and I'd be in hospital having my cheek and gums sown back in place.
I'm very thankful that I have come out of such a situation with my good looks in tact, and that this christmas I'll be able to spend it with my family, not in hospital.
Hope your christmas is merry, and much less adventurous than mine!
My name is Josh, and this was my tale.

Unknown Sexy - 17 years, 3 months, 1 day ago

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still love uuuuuuuuuuuuu even though ur never on lol mwah zzz
Unknown ""?"" Ecstatic - 16 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
love uuuuuuuuuu pet xx
Unknown ""?"" Ecstatic - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Natalie Giles
You have been given yr so hot u need a hose down.
Crafted by Unknown
Natalie Giles "Princess Mayhem" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Natalie Giles
we can always play dress-ups! rawr...
You have been given Fireman Gear.
Crafted by Unknown
Natalie Giles "Princess Mayhem" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Simon van der Hulks
Alright stranger, how have you been, long time no speak, been up to anything interesting?
Simon van der Hulks Playful - 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
Natalie Giles
so how are u my fine c@nt-punching friend?
You have been given a terminal fondle.
Crafted by Natalie Giles
Natalie Giles "Princess Mayhem" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
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