so there was this one time where i went crazy
heres my story
oh so when i left the house there were these men sitting out there waiting for me. i thought it was really weird but i didnt care. i got in my car and started to drive to school and then i saw that they had got in thier car and were following me. it was really starting to freak me out. it was even weirder that they were in white suits. they followed me around school and i found out that they were asking my friends all kinds of question about me. it was getting really weird. after school they met at the door and they tryed to take me away. they said that i was crazy and they were taking me to the nut house. i was really freakin out so i ran away. they followed me in their car and i drove off. i didnt know where to go. it was weird but for some reason i passed out. the next thing i remember is them putting me in a white room with pillows everywhere. they said it was so that i didnt hurt myself. they asked me if i liked the drug they slipped in my lunch to knock me out when i left. i was so angry. i told them one day i was gonna get out adn get back at them for this. they laughed at me...oh did they laugh at me. i was going to get back at them one day...i wasnt crazy but i didnt like the room
thats my story for you today
Unknown "~*~BiLLy~*~" Crazy
- 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago