Doing a lot of wolf poetry i know :)
The Lonely Tree and The Dying Wolf
A cherry filled breeze sweeps deep in the air of its oh-so natural scent,
As tiny petals from the sakura sway gently and twist in a tornado
of pink confetti.
The survivng tree of winter, throughtout battling seasons,
was finally accepting deaths cold touch.
But the tree was not alone, no.
By its side lay a more wounded, more lonelier heart than itself.
But this creature was not wounded from winters kiss, no,
By the side of the dying sakura, lay a dying wolf,
And with much blood shed, it staind the very bark of the once lonely tree.
Its blackend eyes burned me for a thousand years with its stare,
Its pure as snow coat soaked red glistened from drying rain drops
and they desperatly clung to their last breath of life.
The creature never moved from the bark but was alive,
It never tore its gaze from mine but didn't challenge me,
Only curiosity plagued those bottomless coals.
Its head held high, as though embracing death,
And it gave its final cry to spread across this land.
And to this day i cannot understand
Why the forest was silent for those few seconds,
Every creature seemed to freeze in time,
To listen to the wolf's howl,
And heed its message that peharps only they can relate to,
Not even the birds sang as their fates were sealed,
But i will never forget my heart bleeding from the bond shared between the wolf and that tree,
And how they could never be broken,
Not by man,
Nor by creature,
Nor even fates cruel decision...
Unknown "Fellow wulf" Unwell
- 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago