Ello Luv, :) Im a chick that loves tattoos and would be covered in them from head to toe if they didnt cost so damn much. I dont know what my natural hair color is anymore, now do i even care to find out. I like playing games, any type of game as long as it keeps my itty bitty brain occupied lol. Im a World of Warcraft nerd, but i do have my life outside the game :) If i was a cartoon i would marry Ichigo, or Jack Skellington, probably Jack..... lol, if u cant tell i tend to let the nerd lead me....its just better that way :) wanna know more ask...
About you:
I wanna meet anyone and everyone that has something interesting to say.
Anyone that likes Jack and Sally....
Anyone with a Tattoo....
Anyone that can spell their name....
Someone with 9 toes....
Everyone that comes to my page... :)
So....My sister Heather just contacted me on myspace, the last time i seen her was when i was about 4 or 5 years old.....i just found out i have another sister, but we cant find my other brother...... so i have a total of 3 sister and 2 brothers........and this whole time i thought i only had 2 sisters and 1 brother :) Leva horrible
- 17 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
LEGALIZE IT. An often-mentioned danger of marijuana smoking so widely believed, the smokers themselves point it out all the times that it supposedly kills brain cells.
Courtesy the National Drug Intelligence Center, U.S.A.
Yet a new study has found the opposite: that one of marijuanas active ingredients actually helps produce new brain cells, while apparently reducing anxiety.
Its part of a double whammy of good news for pot lovers, as another study has found that marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than cigarette smoke.
None of this establishes that pot smoking is safe. Some past studies have found it produces notable memory impairments, although there is debate over how long these last.
Nonetheless, the new findings contain good news for the medical marijuana movement, chirped a press release from the Journal of Clinical Investigation, which is publishing the study on new brain cells.
Most drugs of abuse decrease the generation of new neurons [cells] in the brain, the statement continued.
But the study by Xia Zhang and colleagues from University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, found that rats getting regular doses of an artificial version of a potent marijuana ingredient grew new brain cells faster than other rats.
The new cells grew in the hippocampus, a brain area associated with emotional expression and some aspects of memory formation.
The rats also exhibited less anxiety- and depression- like behavior after a month of the treatment, the study found. The findings are to appear in the journals November issue.
The second, separate study found marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than tobacco smoke.
Robert J. Melamede of the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs found that although cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke are chemically very similar, evidence suggests that their effects are very different, said a statement from BioMed Central, publishers of the Harm Reduction Journal. The findings appeared Monday in the journal.
The pharmacological effects of tobacco and cannabis smoke differ in many ways, mainly because tobacco smoke contains nicotine while cannabis smoke contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cancer-promoting effects of smoke are increased by nicotine, while they are reduced by THC.
Tobacco and cannabis smoke contain the same carcinogenic compounds and depending on which part of the plant is smoked, cannabis smoke can contain more of them but, whereas nicotine activates these carcinogenic compounds, THC has been shown to inhibit them in mice cells. THC is very likely to have protective effects against the carcinogens present in smoke in humans too, but cannabis smoke remains nonetheless carcinogenic.
420 Magazine PO Box 3420 Hollywood, CA 90078
Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993 http://www.420Magazine.com
The one about out president was sent to me, i have no idea where it came from sorry Leva horrible
- 17 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
About our President...... One of our neighbors is moving. I've been in this neighborhood for about six years now, but didn't really know them very well at all - just waves and nods, mostly.
So I heard the moving van pull up this morning. When I got home this evening I happened to spy my neighbor (he's like 85 years old - I don't know exactly, but he's old, talks and moves very slowly) standing on the sidewalk next to the van. I walked over and shook his hand, and we started talking. I asked him where he was moving, and he said, "Back to Germany."
I had been stationed in Germany for two years while in the military, so I lit up, and commented about how beautiful the country was, and inquired if he was going back because he missed it.
"No," he answered me. "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer. He said good neighbors, people he had known all his life, turned against his family and other Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as if they were starved for it" (his words).
He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if being too young on one end and too old on the other to fight what he saw happening was wearing on him.
I gotta tell you - it was chilling. I let him talk, and the whole time, my gut was churning, like I had mutated butterflies in my stomach. When he was finished, he shook my hand, gripping it really hard, until his knuckles turned white and he was shaking. He looked me in the eyes, hard, and said, "I will pray for your family and your country." He let go of my hand and hobbled away.
I have related this event to you in the hopes it will serve as a cautionary anecdote about the state of our Union, and to illustrate the path we Americans are being led down by a group of fanatics bent on global economic and military dominion. When a man who survived the fruits of fascism decides its time to leave THIS country because he's seeing the same patterns that led to the Holocaust and other Nazi horrors beginning to form here, it is time for us to recognize the underlying evil inherent in the actions of those who claim they work for all Americans, and for all mankind. And it is incumbent upon all Americans, Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, to stop them.