Dear Damyan,
I wish I was there for you, i think of you on a regular basis. Your great attitude on life, your smile, your eyes. Damyan your a handsome young man, and your going to turn out to be a lady killer when you get to my age. Everybody thinks your absolutley gorgeous, and im proud to call you my own. I'm sorry I'm not always around, and I miss you everyday. I admit that I wish I had you at a later age, I couldn't find the heart do anything to get rid of you now. Your mother may think different, but truth is that I just couldnt looking at you on a regular basis makes me smile. I'm in a tight spot nowadays, and although your mother is an amzing mom I wish she was more understanding. You two are making it along great and I wish I was also there holding your little hand all the way. Your going to be great someday i can already see it, although I haven't done much for you yet I want to do more. I want to be the father that you can talk to, and the father you look up to. I was never that bright, and u should have been born later, but this is not your fault. It's mine, I wish I could of been there for you more often in the last couple of monthes. But I promise to be there from now on, you deserve your father in your life. And I'm not willing to do to you what my father did to me.
Unknown Carefree
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago