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"Kawaii Neko Chan"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
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What makes adults and children different is that adults forgive, and children forget.
Unknown "Kawaii Neko Chan" Uncertain - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
Something I wrote a while back...


She sat down. *sigh*. She was tired from work. *looks right* *smiles* She was thinking *oh... Hie*.

He was blur. *looks left* at the person who just sat down. He thought *oh she's looking at me*. Reflex made him *smile*. He thought *now that wasn't so bad*.

The train started moving.

She stared blankly opposite of her. Four ladies sat there, all holding the same type of umbrella. The small mini ones which folds into a giant spring roll. *what a coincidence* she thought. She looked pass the ladies, through the window, to the rainy night. She tilled her a little to her right, looked down and *sighed*. She *can't wait to be home*. *So hungry*. *I need some sleep*.

He looked right. His dreamy eyes scanned the end section of the train. The seats were all *empty*. him. But this didn't register in this mind.

The old man was standing. One hand on the metal bar, the other holding his umbrella like a walking stick. *Why not just sitting down?* he thought. He looked down at his own umbrella. It was dripping rain water all over the floor. There was nothing he could do about that.

His eyes followed the puddle of water that his umbrella made. *...* he thought dreamily. The water seem to be attracted to each other. A few seconds later, the two puddle of water meet, and combined into one. He looked up at the other umbrella that made the puddle of rain water, then slowly moved his glance to the owner.

*hehehe so the water met*. She went blank for a moment. Then, Something ticked at that moment. She looked up instantly.

He was surprised that she looked up. *blush*

Both *smiles*

*bing bing* the sound of train door opening broke the moment. It was time for him to get off. *ah well* As he stood up, the motion made the remaining droplets of water on his umbrella sprinkle all over the floor.

*'s all messy now* disappointed that cute little puddle of water was distorted as he moved. She looked up at him walking pass her, her eyes were locked on him.

As he walks out, his took a glance at the puddle of water. He couldn't see it from where he was. He *shivers* felt like something bad was going to happen. He looked back again to look for the puddle of water *Where's the puddle?*, that is when he saw her looking at him.

He was sure he saw her lips move. *It's gone* it read.

Unknown "Kawaii Neko Chan" Uncertain - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
A friend of mine recently send me a Yuna Ito St Valentine's acoustic live concert torrent. I downloaded it. Yuna Ito is so pretty! And she has a good voice. And I am in love with a few of her songs now.

I have always liked Endless Story (which was used in a Japanese anime called NANA). But because of this live concert, I have Nobody Knows looping not only on my media player... it's looping on and on an on in my head!

Unknown "Kawaii Neko Chan" Uncertain - 17 years, 1 day ago
Reading this got me thinking.

Beyond the Age of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust Between America and The World by Kishore Mahbubani.
Unknown "Kawaii Neko Chan" Uncertain - 17 years, 21 days ago
The Malaysian Airlines travel fair is this weekend. AirAsia is having their famous cheap sale of flight tickets again. But... I won't be rushing in line this year. I won't be busy searching for available tickets. Burned up my $ travel quota this year for trips out of the country =( I was thinking of heading to Bangkok in the 3rd Q to shop for furnitures for my new room, but I guess I can't unless someone pays for my trip .... and sponsors? hehe

This year will be though for me. Got to focus on my priorities this year. Got to start studying again. Got to find ways to get extra side *cha ching*. And got to do something about my MIA'ing in RL. Mom is actually getting worried about me being too much of a geek.
Unknown "Kawaii Neko Chan" Uncertain - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
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heeey shoe nerd ;) .... long time no see ... how's it hangin'?? ;D
You have been given Is it Friday?!?!.
Crafted by Andersito
Andersito "Lazy Licks x" Now a prize winning bull - 16 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #473) *converted into pure energy* You have been converted into pure energy
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
Paul Rienhart
You have been given Came by to say Hello .
Crafted by Unknown
Paul Rienhart "doudou ღ" Fizhy - 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
cheers yous xxx
hope you have been doing well,
havent been on hp properly for a while but thought id stop by and say cheers :P
You have been given Be Safe.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Unknown "patzkie ♥" Lazy - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Paul Rienhart
long time no hear from u.. how u doing...
Paul Rienhart "doudou ღ" Fizhy - 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
What kind of dances do you like?
You have been given Char Siew Pork.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Kaki Lang" - 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
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