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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Leaving HP in 1 week

"sweet tanu"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Secret Place...No One Allowed
Herds: shelter
Unknown's tales
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Q: What Happened To My Owner? It's a Different Person!!

A: Someone probably bought you away from your previous OWNER. There are several options to deal with this:

1) stay with your new OWNER and see how it is. Maybe this can be good?

2) ESCAPE from your new OWNER (see more below)

3) buy yourself away from your new owner and keep yourself as your OWNER

4) buy yourself away from your new owner and give yourself back to your old OWNER

5) Tell your new OWNER or your old OWNER who you would rather be with. Sometimes a PET WAR starts brewing, and things can get ugly. Only you, as the coveted PET, can put a stop to it (usually).

6. Have your friends on HP buy you away from the old OWNER or new OWNER. Then they of course, become your OWNER, unless they give you back to yourself or to whoever you wanna be with. Confused now???

Q: I Only Want To Be With My Owner! What Do I Do?

A; Put on your page "Do Not Buy Me, I Wanna Be With My Owner|!" or something to that effect. If someone doesn't respect your wish and they buy you, you can ESCAPE by hitting escape. I copied this directly from the FAQS. Yeah, call me lazy!!

How do I "secretly escape" from an owner?
There's a link that shows up on your homepage when you're owned by someone. It's right above your profile box. When you escape, your worth is reset and your owner gets refunded 75% of their points. Your ex-owner also cannot buy you back again.

Note, your ex-ex-owner can buy you. So if you want your ex-owner to be able to buy you back for whatever reason, escape from someone else and then you can be rebought.

NOTE: I don't know about "secretly escape"....I am pretty sure your owner will find out, haha!

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "sweet tanu" Leaving HP in 1 week - 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago

Q: What Kind of Pets are there??

A: Inactive and Active pets. Inactive pets may be people who come to check out Human Pets and then leave it behind (although I wouldn't know why they'd do that ;-) Active pets are those that, which means logging into Human Pets frequently and participating in herds, leaving comments, thumbing, etc.

Q: What is a good pet?

A: Good pets are those that don't whine, dirty the couch or the carpet or demand food and treats all the time. Oh yes, and they don't masturbate on your leg. Be a good pet! If you like your owner, leave some COMMENTS! A relationship works both ways you know!! Don't expect to never leave a comment and have your owner always come back to leave you some, sheesh. Also, don't leave comments back on your page after your owner leaves a comment, that's like saying..."hey thanks for the comment but I won't come visit your page".

If you are not an active pet, don't feel bad. Most owners know by your log in date. If you are an active pet and you only stay on your page, your owner will know too! If you don't like your owner, you can "escape". See PETS part THREE.

Q; How Can I Be A Better Pet?

A: Leave comments back, even a simple "thank you" is nice if you can't afford any shop items. Or if you notice your owner has been busy or a little neglectful, leave a comment on their page and see if they respond.

If you REALLY like them, go around and thumb all their tales or go through their herds and give them some thumbs up. You can also visit other pets your owner has and thumbs up all their comments to other pets (although this is above and beyond the call and may be going a wee bit too far depending on your take of the situation....)

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "sweet tanu" Leaving HP in 1 week - 16 years, 10 months, 3 days ago


1. A person you can "buy". Pets are people who belong to other people (there are some pets who have no owners). Their OWNER usually has paid points to purchase the pets. Sometimes, pets are given to their OWNERS by others.

2. Another version of a "poke". In Facebook, when someone pokes you, its to see if you are online (you have to return the poke so they know you are online). In IRC, its called a "ping", in Human Pets its called a "pet". Some members can do fancy petting actions, like licking or hugging you.
Unknown Unknown
Unknown "sweet tanu" Leaving HP in 1 week - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago

Q: Where can I see an example of a thumbing herd?

A: Although not the best example, you can take a look at my very first herd I started up to get more thumbs from my friends, as well as strangers.

Click here:

Or you can click on my Tanu's Ten Thumbs Page next to my profile description and take a look at my very first effort at a herd. You may have to scroll back to see how I posted my comments to get points (A.K.A. SPAM)...and if you like, feel free to click on any of my posts!!! HAHA.

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "sweet tanu" Leaving HP in 1 week - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago

Q: Why should I start my own herd?

A: You can start one just for the hell of it. You can choose what topics you post in your herd, which members you approve or which members you don't want in your herd.

As the creator of the herd, you can appoint other herd leaders with powers to ban troublemakers, have the ability to delete comments, etc. In other words, you are Herd God and you give herd powers to your Herd Leaders.

Most people start out by making a thumbing herd. That is, a place where all your minions can come to give you thumbs (points). You basically SPAM your own pages, or pages upon pages with your comments, or just numbers, and have your friends click on it. Then you have to go return the favor (RTF), otherwise you'll seem like an ass. At the least, say thank you.

Q: How do I start my own HERD?

A: Go to the HERD link on your top menu bar, click on it and look for Create a Herd. After you are done dressing it up with your pictures, a herd description, a topic, etc. you can invite or tell your friends about it or post a NEWSPAPER ad to get the word out.

Unknown Unknown
Unknown "sweet tanu" Leaving HP in 1 week - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
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Hiya! Was just checkin' to see if this place was still online and had to stop in to say hi.
I came to give u this... You have been given I came to give u this....
Crafted by Red Butterfly
James "nine lives" Adventurous - 14 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
bye for now my friend!
Unknown "Lord Byron" Adventurous - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
you should not leave :(
You have been given Aww the sky is crying.
Crafted by Unknown
JO'N "MillionHolder" - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
where?? *looking all around*

You have been given ♥hot chocolate 4 two .
Crafted by Angela Ding
JO'N "MillionHolder" - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
Let your heart, your thoughts and your spirit fly free and follow those dreams of yours till you fulfill each and every one.
You have been given Free Spirit.
Crafted by -184
Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
May good fortune follow you from now and forever.
You have been given Good Karma.
Crafted by Ferny
Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Tanu's Sweetshop

Goodies and Yummy things for your pets! Check back for seasonal stuff too! :-)

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