
Lamanda's tales
I often wonder why others find me interesting at all, I'm starting to get sick of everyones silly little games, I don't want people around me who pretend to know me but people who truely understand and wish to know me.
Lamanda Lonely
- 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
does anyone else feel like they are always doing something wrong? frig I wish the sky would open up and tell me what to do.....just once!!!!
Lamanda Lonely
- 13 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
weird, it feels as if I haven't been on here in ages, huh. well I'm trying to look at my life in a different way, still stressing *like anyone cares lol* but tryng to just take things as they come...I have been between a rock and a hard place before, so I'm sure I can find my way to freedom again. just wish I had a few people to understand this...who know and understand me...but everyone has their own lives now.....and I find the internew just drives people apart, no one is real anymore....when I get my chance to run, move on and find my own life in another place away from all the false people and tragic liers, I think I will say goodbye to the internet, and go out and see real people with real lives and have some real fun....I'm kinda just going on now and have lost the point of this whole thing.....my head hasn't been in the right place in a long while...anyway I can only hope and pray that the choices I may from here on out are the right ones.....I'm trying to think things tru more now that I have hit bottom, maybe that will help with my choices in the future! :) well good day good luck and good life to everyone out there....may the freak be with you :P ha ha
Lamanda Lonely
- 13 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
friends who expect you to jump thru hoops to stay their friends are not friends at all. people have to realize to have good friends you have to be a good friend. people will only put up with your crap for so long before they notice you are using them!
Lamanda Lonely
- 13 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Unicorns don't care if you believe in them any more than you care if they believe in you
Lamanda Lonely
- 13 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Mad Hatters Hideaway
Randomness is what makes life fun.....
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