So... ive been thinking... on the nature of good and evil... and thuman consciousness lately, therr was a bit of that in one of the other tales. Anyway a bit on the human psyche and the nature of good and evil.
It is so easy to define good and evil in terms of black and white with definate impenatrable boundies, yet so few of us actually sit down and realize that this isnt the case, even given the fact that we all intuitively know that good and evil exist in every person. Our experiences with people define our perception of their moral integraty and act as the basis of our catagorization of people into good and bad. Yet our experiences with people are so very limited, restricted to the subset of interactions we have had with these under controlled, civilized, and ultimately artificial conditions. To what extent do these situational and social conditions dictate our behavior? I
For example, what drives a father to hold hostage the emergency ward of a hosptial to save his son? What drives the husband to steal to feed his family? To kill? When you hear of these stories, people will go "oh he was obviously desprate, thats why he did it" or "he was unstable" and at the same time serial killers are described as "he was always so nice". And most importantly people say "I don't understand how he could do that".
So lets break this down:
A man kills another man out of greed.
A man kills another man- this is wrong.
A man kills another man so he can survive- is this wrong?
A man kills another man to protect his wife- this is "justified".
As most people would agree the last two are "justified", but the more important question is in this man's shoes COULD you kill the other man? The WOULD you is completely irrelavent, until you are standing there holding that gun, backed into that corner.
With this example I am trying to illustrate two points:
1. What are YOU capable of given the right situational pressures?
2. [and by extention] What do you really know about a person?
Our society is so solidly based around the concept of individualism and self, yet if you really really think about it how many masks do you wear?
So what do we really know about each other, if under every set of circumstances and every situation you are a different person?
I know I wear a few.
Unknown Carefree
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago