There's just something about spring....
Yeah, it's true that autumn is more dramatic, with leaves turning into bright reds, oranges, and yellows, coating the browning grass and gray concrete with color, but spring is more quiet, more subtle.
Spring creeps up on you in a way that could symbol hope. All winter long holds that depressed feeling that the world is dead. But then one day you doubletake on a tree that you've just realized has tiny buds. Then it seems that other trees looked at that one tree and decided to grow too, and suddenly all the trees are growing little buds. Suddenly, your entire day just feels five times better.
Isn't hope spread the very same way? Even if no one else has it, just one person who has hope can spread it out so that many people around him would have hope too, which in turn spreads a good feeling that something good might happen.
Before you know it, the outmost branches of the trees have a splash of green that is still subtle, but can be seen even when going sixty - seventy miles per hour on the highway, though the color is practically imagined. Soon it'll get to that point where the color spreads throughout the tree, the leaves unfurl, and spring will be more official then it was on March 21st.
Unknown "Miss Maya" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago