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Unknown's tales
SO here is the tale of my fish (screenshot, displayed in a sequence that can be chopped up into postcard size as my imaging class brief requires), still a work in progress. Fishie is swimming happily in a pond until one day a big linear net swoops down and captures him, taking him away from his beloved pond to the murky tanks of a dodgy pet shop in the nearby town. It's not too bad though, because soon he is bought by a kindly kiddie who takes him away from the pet shop and home to a nice tank where the fishie meets a sexy young goldfish, they live happily ever after and have lots of fun goldfish style together. the END.
Unknown "Oatmeal" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
Something did happen to me today. Can't remember what though. Crazy lady visited work, I slacked off in class per usual at uni... I had a disgusting lamb thing for lunch... I got lost at Chadstone 3 times over (HATE shopping centres)... and something else... but I can't remember what...
Unknown "Oatmeal" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
I was in a hurry to make breakfast this morning and spilt dry instant porridge all over the sink, so I went hungry because I didn't have enough time to make anymore after cleaning it up. The end!
Unknown "Oatmeal" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
SO, i got up bright and early as I usually do upon a uni day as class is at 8.30. Caught a lift in and traffic was good, so got to uni half an hour early...surf the net in the open access lab til 8.30, and then I go to class... and there's no one there! Turns out there was a mini easter break. ARGH! I could have slept in! Have to stay at uni till 11.30 though coz I am meeting Nick here later, maybe I could be productive and use the time to catch up on classwork? Hah, as if.
Unknown "Oatmeal" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Today I had the most amazing baguette for lunch from Phillipa's. It was even better than the exact same one that I had yesterday. I wanted to marry it and have little goat fromage children with it and smother them with beetroot relish. Yumm. I hope I can get another tomorrow.
Unknown "Oatmeal" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
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