I look and see and find them here.
There they are, and some here too.
I see, I feel, I hear and smell.
These people I know all to well.
Call them out and speak their names.
I don’t care, I won’t burn in their flames.
I hate the hurt, and hurt the hate.
As people toil with others fate.
So many, so few… I see it now.
Insignificant it is, but how?
Explain the scars, the hurt the pain.
The extraordinary from the plain.
We wonder why and when and how.
Its over rated, so is the cow.
The milk is free yet we strive to buy.
We forget the savor taste, the emotional high.
Francois Marais (c)
Wrote this about 4 years ago... not to sure of the exact time frame...
Francois Marais "PACO" Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago