My Secret When you are close, I feel my knees weaken, I deprive myself of breathe, Just from the tip of your fingers, Gently caressing my cheek. When I am looking into your eyes, I fall deep and stay mesmerised, You take me in your arms, And the feeling of passiion, Burns through my skin. When our lips meet, You brighten my day, Or should I say my week, I'm never sad nore blue, When you hold me. You are the first thing on my mind, When I rise for day, And you are the last thing on my mind, Just before I fall asleep, I'm falling in love with you!!! Should I tell you how I feel? Tammy 2001
Unknown "My Hun" Playful
- 17 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Finding,,,,,What May Never Be Found?? Thoughts running, Loss of breath. What is there to do? Emotions not grasped. If the world would only stand still, To grip reality. If only for a moment, Sight may arise. Just a taste of hope, Begging,,,,pleading. To find my path, A way of life. No beginning,,,no end, Simply awareness. Of where I think,,,,, I may have disappeared? Tammy 2002
Unknown "My Hun" Playful
- 17 years, 3 months, 18 days ago