I had to buy a new starter motor for my car 2day. $1000. It was completley water logged. Apparently driving across creeks where there is 6 inches of water above you bonet, with water rushing into your cabin is not good for you car. Go figure!
Unknown "Tuggy"
- 17 years, 16 days ago
I can't eat baked beans. It really annoyed me when I was younger, cos my brother use to love them and whenever he ate them he could fart on demand and use to fart on me all the time. I was told by a mate at school that if you mix bicarb soda with water and drink it. It will make you fart on demand for ages. So here I was, thinking this is my time, my moment, my time for revenge. Made the drink and drank it and than whent to watch some tv. I waited for about ten minutes and than thought that my friend was full of shit. But just than, my stomah moned and growled and i thought, "this is it", i felt, well what i thought was gas building up. Proceeded to lift my leg and there in the lounge room, sitting on the floor proceeded to shit myself. I did not get any revenge. All I got was a shitty mess and allot of imarrasment.
Unknown "Tuggy"
- 17 years, 17 days ago
I was down the wharf the other day and having a chat to this real nice kid. He was only 22 years old and had been a fisherman since he was 16. He whent out drinking the other nite, got into a verbal blew with some blokes. They followe him home from the pub and just as he go close to the wharf, dragged him into the toilets and beat him up and ended up stabbing him which resulted in his death. You just never know when your times up.
Unknown "Tuggy"
- 17 years, 17 days ago
People call me the fart whisperer. Why? Cos I beleave farts have different personalities and mean different things. Smelly farts = Your eating bad food. Wet fart = Your about to shit yourself, go to the toilet now! Fart with follow through = Too late!
Unknown "Tuggy"
- 17 years, 17 days ago