On a tall building roof, I sit and watch.
Watching all the tiny people go on,
Whilst I sit and stay, growing angry.
My mind tells itself that the world,
Is only big enough for the true,
The good-hearted, the righteous.
I sit and continue watching,
The rage inside me building, growing,
To an almost unbearable level,
When I say to myself out loud,
"Give me the means, equipment,
And the time and cleansing,
To do the deed, to rid the world,
Of great and disastrous hate.
You touch your hand to my shoulder,
You touch your soul to my heart,
The rage inside me recedes, backs down,
Leaving space for my sadness,
Knowing my rage and anger,
Is the very problem I desire to right.
The hate in the world,
The rage inside everyone,
The sins of mankind,
Will be forgiven again by the Lord,
And the righteous and true,
Will begin the world anew.
Those who continue to hate,
And live the darkened life,
Shall be justly disposed of.
Now, I trust in the Lord,
Knowing I need not condemn myself,
I need not do anyting, nothing more,
But to allow the rest of mankind,
To condemn themselves.
Before love, before you,
I was angry, filled with rage.
You touched my heart in a way,
Like no other has ever done before,
And the darkness fled from me,
Retreating to whence it came.
Now I hold true the spirit of Life,
The sanctity of love, and mostly,
The good that still lives.
Now I feel happy, content,
To let the Lord care for the world,
And I shall care for you.
To love you, and to be loved by you,
Has calmed my rage, soothed the wound,
Deeply ingrained in my heart.
My heart is now enthralled,
Not with rage, or hate,
But with love, For You.
Unknown "Atlas" Crazy
- 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago