MY DREAM By Anna Johansen
I woke up to the silent darkness of the night,
Sadness was strolling around in my head so i turned on the lights.
I was crying tears stolling down my face.
It was you i was thinking of that i could not replace,
THERE was this dream i had,That made me very sad.
It was a beutifull sunny day,
And there were no coulds in the way,
The sun had its warmth to lend,
I could see green clovers and flowers on end,
It was a beutifull sight i wanted to share,
Then i heard you vioce though out the air.
You were calling my name,Thought i was going in sane,
Thought i was the only one there just me,
Then i saw you standing by a big old oak tree.
I was walkin towards you then my eyes frose,
You were holding a beutifull single red rose.
You sang the song you wrote for me,
Then held me in your arms and kissed me gentaly,
It felt so write so very fine.
Then i wisperd so softly that i loved you,
It gave me a warm glowing feeling cause i knew it was true.
We were so good together and we thought it would last for ever and ever.
Then our beutifull day clouded over,
It turned to deep darkness i could see no flowers or clover.
THEN you were gone like thunder and lighting
,It seemed so very frighting.
Then the beutifull single red rose disapeared it to thin air,
I fell to the floor in sad dispare.
I was crying tears strolling down my face,
It was you i was thinkin of that i could not erase.
I knew some thing went wrong,
Cause all i ever wished for is now gone.
so i woke up to the siltent darkness of the night,
Saddness was strolling around in my head so i turned on the lights!
Unknown "0asis SandsDUNES" Serene
- 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago