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"BBs Bella"
Unknown's tales
First off...CONGRATS TO NEW MOMMY AND DADDY Prezzy!!! and welcome to new THK baby CJ!!!!!!!:) Woooooooooot wooooooooooot!!! second...I'm back...I will not be as available for now, since I have to rest, but damn it's good to be back!!!! Missed you guys dearly!!!!!!!!! smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Unknown "BBs Bella" Playful
- 17 years, 3 days ago
mmm i'm a bit pissed, or dissapointed...some of my girlfriends went on a little road trip and didn't even mention it to me...sometimes I wonder why some people ask the world from you, in order to help them, but then they slightly forget you when THEY are feeling better...at least LET me know, hey, we're going on a road trip...it's common respect...then I wonder if sometimes they don't use people when it's for their own personal purposes...bah! I would like to say THANK you to all the people in the WHOLE world which are respectful and HONEST towards their own friends... to the other people that use their friends for personal purposes...F U!
Unknown "BBs Bella" Playful
- 17 years, 20 days ago
ah yeah, BTW, I just bought the CD of Leona Lewis...BUY it, it's real good:)
Unknown "BBs Bella" Playful
- 17 years, 22 days ago
mmm yeah, now I feel like having a cigarette....ufffffffffffffffff:) yeah, I won't have it...but dammmmmn:)
Unknown "BBs Bella" Playful
- 17 years, 22 days ago
WHAT A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO and RYder????? who's yo daddy???? HE IS alrightttttt:) what a gameeeeee! and Kovy....I want to fly so highhhhh sooo highhhhhhh!!! to the skyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Ole ole ole ole oleeeeeeeeee oleeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!:) and there was a LOSER at the restaurant cheering for NY's goals...(you know those Habs wanna-be-fans-when-they-win-the-cup??? yeah he got me so nervous...he was like Ohhh, they so lost...mmm then of course I had to say something...Buddy, the games not over, the same way rangers scored 5 goals, Habs can come back...AND WHO WAS RIGHT!! Booooooyaaa biaaaaaaatch!!!!! huauhauha:) He'll be thinking of ME and ALL the REAL fans cheering their asses off!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAA IN YO FACE MOFO"s!!!!!!!:) Ok, i feel better now:) uhauhauha
Unknown "BBs Bella" Playful
- 17 years, 25 days ago
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