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"Best Friend!"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"Borkum memories"
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Unknown's tales
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Haven't written any new tale for a while so thought it was time to update.....
All is well in Paderborn, the sun is finally shining and instead of all the jobs I should be doing, I'm spending more and more time just sitting on the balcony reading and relaxing....
Off to Berlin this weekend with San and Peter so that should be a blast, just got to get through the working week first! Hope everyone reading this is also fine and enjoying the start of summer..... K x
Unknown "Best Friend!" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Can't wait for the Easter hols - we're going to Holland, on the North Sea coast, wonderful beaches, will probably raiin the whole weekend! May also take a trip to Amsterdam..... Wish it were Friday already!!
Unknown "Best Friend!" Sparkling - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
As requested, a new tale....

Hmmm have to think about something interesting to write about my life....

Went to the football last Sunday, Paderborn lost 3-1. Made up for it at the pub quiz last night though when my team won - yey! I was doing the MC bit so didn't get to share the winning beer though :( Off up to Bremen this weekend for a friend's birthday party. Anybody who knows this particular friend - no comments please!! Other than that it's work, sleep, eat, gym and waste huge amounts of time on Human Pets - same old, same old! x
Unknown "Best Friend!" Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
Happy Valentine's Day to my pets especially, to my fabulous owner and to everyone else who pets, thumbs and messages me. Have a great day everyone!
Unknown "Best Friend!" Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
Feeling virtuous today, been to the gym! Disappointed not to get football tickets though for Paderborn against Offenbach this Sunday :(
Unknown "Best Friend!" Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
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San PB
lets kick some TURKISH ass, GO GERMANY GO, mwah hon, luv u
You have been given Germany Flag.
Crafted by Unknown
San PB "Prinzessin" Injured - 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Gonzo Jeff

You have been given Hi There !.
Crafted by Unknown
Gonzo Jeff "גונזו" Lazy - 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
San PB
we kicked ASS tonite, yeah! GO GERMANY GO! xxx
You have been given Portugal 2 - 3 Germany.
Crafted by David
San PB "Prinzessin" Injured - 16 years, 3 months, 7 days ago

You have been given Nice Day Wish.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Naughty - 16 years, 4 months ago
San PB
do i have to sayanymore??? xxx
You have been given we're best friends.
Crafted by Beverly
San PB "Prinzessin" Injured - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
San PB
in case you run out of them, xx
You have been given Tic-Tacs.
Crafted by
San PB "Prinzessin" Injured - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
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