Disclaimer- this did not actually happen
I slowly wandered into the alley, my arm trobbing from that metal bars impact, " that was a close one" i murmered to myself. "yes it was" a voice said softly. "Who`s there???" i asked as swung around my measly poketknife in my hand, it wasn`t much, i figured, but it was better than nothing. A darkly clothed man stepped out of the shadows as i crouched in to fighting stance. the man had short jet black hair, his eyes were a pircing blue and he stoodstraight and a tall brown cane hung by his side, put his pouster suggested that he did not need it so i regarded it as i would a gun with low ammo, dangerous, but only if i let it come to close. the man chuckled softly so i repeated my question" who are you?" "just the only person who can explain what is happening to you and who is chasing you"
too be countinued...
This story will only be countinued if people ask me to keep writing it, so if you like it or you are courious,please speak up.
Unknown "PICKENS!!!!! !!!" Perplexed
- 17 years, 3 months, 3 days ago