Loving this weather!
There had been way to much sun around for my liking. But it started to rain the day after Phoenix was born (check profile photo - cute isn't he) and it really hasn't stoped since. We've only had a couple of real storms but the past two weeks has just been steady heavy rain. The dam flooded our road three times and all the creeks and gullies around have rising and are flowing at quite a pace. It looks beautiful and GREEN! It's been a long time since anyone has seen it look like this. We pretty much went through a year of dust and brown landscapes, Poor looking cattle and really high prices for feed.
It's just so nice to be able to look out and seen cattle and horses grazing instead of standing rather dejectedly under trees waiting to be fed.
Please don't complain about the rain, wet weather or flooding. We might not see the likes of it again for a while.
Clouds are building up and its supposed to rain again this arvo. Fingers crossed!
Unknown Gloomy
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago