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Unknown, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:23 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
Location: United States

"...Because the gently falling snow is somebody's words of love"
About me:
I'm rather timid and shy online and off. Although once you get to know me I can be quite talkative. I often resort to emotes in conversations; it takes a skilled conversationalist to keep me talking at first. I really enjoy reading poetry and occasionally writing it. I feel the best in winter <3
About you:
Someone who is patient enough to get me out of my shell. An interesting and unique soul.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
99999 pts
30000 pts
20200 pts
"Lil Nana"
10000 pts

2880 pts

70 pts

50 pts

50 pts
50 pts
Unknown's tales
I think it's about time for me to raise my white flag. I just keep making bad life choices when I continue to try and hope. It's only interfering and distracting me from my school work and listening to music. Oh well, it's not like it'll be hard for me to get used to the idea of being an old maid.

This should free up a bit more time for me. XD
Unknown "Luminista" Neglected - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
I was in a car accident today. I was turning left; the lane closest to me was stopped up and a car had given me room to go. From my vantage point, I saw no oncoming cars, the guy in the car also motioned me to go. I thought I was clear, I thought all was good. It almost was. I was almost all the way out of both lanes. Out of nowhere he came and bashed the back of my car. I screamed, turned the car, braked, I couldn't breathe. No one else was hit, there were other cars there. Someone rolled down their window and asked if I was alright, "Fine, fine, just shook up. The guy didn't stop, I didn't see who it was. I never saw him"

It took me a few moments to collect my thoughts, to collect myself enough to move my car. This guy walked over, I thought he was a random bystander, he asked if I was alright, then started lecturing me on how I didn't have the right of way, on how I shouldn't have turned without making sure all lanes were clear. I was confused, so confuse. Why was he saying that? Who was he? "I'm fine, fine. It was clear, it was. The guy in the first even waved me by. It was clear. I was fine, there was no one there. He came out of nowhere." I was stumbling, I knew, but I didn't understand why he was badgering me, why he kept insisting that I was wrong, why he kept trying to get me to say it. I didn't, I was panicking, it was back. My heart was racing, I was barely breathing, I just kept saying "I was clear, there was no car there."
I managed to move my car into the Checkers parking lot. A girl who worked there rushed out as I stumbled out, wanting to know if I was ok, if I was hurt, if I wanted anything, if I needed help. I mumbled I was fine that I was calling my parents. I talked quickly on the phone to my brother, short staccato commands. I was shaking. I needed to control myself, stop the attack. Calm down, it wasn't working. She asked if I wanted her to call the police, I told her I thought that guy who was talking to me earlier had but I would too, just in case. She offered me water, I accepted. I realized I did need something, anything. The 911 operator informed that there had already been a call and the a cop was on the way. She brought me water, I thanked her. I was still shaking. That guy drove over with his car, I saw my baby's paint on that car. It suddenly hit: he was the guy who hit me. That's why he had been saying all that earlier. I was in shock. It wasn't concern, he was trying to cover his ass. I didn't realize that part till later.
My parents arrived, the cop arrived. I was still shaking. I couldn't stop. He told his story. I told mine. The cop wrote it up.
I got ticketed. I was found at fault. He was free of everything. My car, my baby, my baby that's as old as I am, damaged, horrendously damaged by that that BMW.
My parents started talking to the cop, wanting advice because we were going to contest the ticket, the cop supported this. He hinted that the other car was probably speeding, that if gone to court I would probably win. He also said that there are cases where the other party doesn't show and since he didn't witness the crash, the ticket would be thrown out. He was encouraging me to go to court. Even though I knew he was saying it, I didn't hear it. I just saw the ticket, the damage. I hadn't owned my baby for even a year and I already hurt it so.
I lost it completely. I fell into a panic attack, I could barely stand. I hadn't realized the cop was gone. I was thankful. I was driven home by my mom, I was in a daze, I broke out in tears every few moments. I couldn't stop shaking, I was still panicking.
I'm contesting the ticket. Based on how I saw clear lanes when I turned, the pictures of the damage, and the pictures of the debris field, it was not my fault. The angle that my back was hit at plus the twisted metal, and the where the field of debris was, my car was halfway over the crosswalk onto the other road, his car would have either been far back in the lane and he accelerated or he switched lanes when he saw that the lane he was in was stopped up, accelerated, and smashed into my backside.
...I don't know, I'm shaky and angry. I can't really think straight, I just keep worrying. I have my calc class tomorrow morning, I have to do exceptionally well in it from now on to even pass. I have a economics test tomorrow, I need to get at least a 94 on it to get a B in the class, if I don't get that B, I'll probably lose my scholarship. I'll have to get loans. That scares me. I don't know, my mind is rambling. I know my grammar is bad and that is bothering me but I can't seem to fix it. I don't know, I needed to write it down. I want to get it out of my mind. Maybe the more I write it, the less it'll be in my mind. I hope.
Unknown "Luminista" Neglected - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Even while my mind is at odds with me, I calm down when I remember:
"Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile"

Unknown "Luminista" Neglected - 17 years, 6 days ago

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You have been given being vague.
Crafted by Ky
TroniX "ツ" Adventurous - 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Im Gone

You have been given thumbed you!.
Crafted by Im Gone
Im Gone - 16 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
bwah ah ha
You have been given Sugar Rush .
Crafted by Gone
TroniX "ツ" Adventurous - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago

You have been given All you need.
Crafted by ----
TroniX "ツ" Adventurous - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Consider this a warning!
You have been given i think im gunna sing you a song.
Crafted by Lisa Whitescarver
TroniX "ツ" Adventurous - 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
rofl, thought you'd be as amused by this as I was!
You have been given NoT DeNiAl!.
Crafted by Unknown
TroniX "ツ" Adventurous - 16 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
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