Just had a rather funny thought on people in general as i was daydreaming so here it is
Why is it that the great things that happen to you are never as good as happen to everyone else? =)
ie. you get a car, its great, its nippy, small and looks cool, but its not the one you that just passed you doing twice the speed limit with a sign on the back saying 'i won this'.
or, You buy a house and its lovely and just right for the pair of you, good size, homely and gives you a warm feeling when you walk through the door, thing is the flash guy next door payed less and he has a hot tub and suana in his, plus there is only one of you in your house =)
you find someone to appreciate the house with and they are amazing and make you smile from the moment you wake to the moment you're asleep and then you dream of them, unfortunately they are well out of your league, live miles away, have bad past relationships or just have such a busy life that you can't possibly fit in and then when you do see them its because they were hanging out of the really nice car's window as it tore past you with the sign on it
I think that the person that was driving that fast car that they park outside the cheaper, yet bigger, house that they share with 'your' other half is the person i wanna be for a change. i also think that that person is the one that got in there first and was better than you at doing it. so, fuck you all, im gonna get the car, the house and the fuckin girl and if you get in my way i'll buy you a beer and help you move her stuff into the house and start the hot tub up before i clean the car for you.
SHIT, how do i never get the things i want? lol
oh well, im nice and i dont need the big house or the fast car and one day the girl will find me.....i hope =)
any remarks feel free to throw me a comment
Unknown "Lush Baby" Wild
- 17 years, 19 days ago