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Alisons Wonderland
Alisons Wonderland

Alisons Wonderland
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Alisons's tales
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Alisons Wonderland
Once upon a time, in a city of fallen angels, a princess was invited to a ball. But this ball wasn’t just any ball, it was a ball for peace, love, unity, respect and responsibility. There was purple as far as the eye could see and all the beautiful, young glorious children of the city of fallen angels were there, but the princess was sad, for she had gone to the ball in hopes of seeing her friend. The evil king had banished he and his friends from the city forcing them to wander the countryside. But he had not yet arrived at the ball, for he had very far to travel and many people to meet on his journey. The princess had come to the ball with a fellow princess from an exotic tribe, her name was Tigerlily, she kept telling the princess that her friends would be there soon, but nothing she said would help. The princess decided to try and make the best of the ball anyways and called on a magician to help. He produced to magical rabbits that would stay with the princesses all night and any time they wanted they rabbits would whisper in their ears things that would make them smile and laugh and be merry all night, then the magician disappeared. At first the princesses were suspicious at what the magician had said, and went to the floor to dance, but the rabbits stayed with them wherever they went. As they were dancing a prince had asked Tigerlily to dance, who was reluctant to leave her friend but when she assured Tigerlily she would be fine and that she should have fun Tigerlily went with the prince. The princess stepped outside for some fresh air and to look for her friend. It was late and still he had not come to the ball and the princess began to worry, and as she began to feel sad the rabbit whispered in her ear to turn around, and standing behind her was a prince. “my I stand with you I was supposed to meet a friend here and they haven’t arrived yet”
“of course” said the princess, as she stood there with him the rabbit started dancing for them.They stared in awe of the rabbit, “my name is Vile, what’s yours?” the prince asked her.
“I’m Wonderland, pleased to meet you.” Replied the princess
“Wonderland, will you dance with me?” asked prince Vile.
“Yes, I would love to” she replied, then suddenly the rabbit turned bright green and Prince Vile whisked her away to the dance floor, they talked, laughed and danced. Suddenly Vile kissed Wonderland. “What was that for?” she asked
“Because you’re cute and I like you” he explained
“oh” she blushed and smiled and they continued to dance, while the rabbits made circles around them. Suddenly the princesses friends came through the door, “Wonderland you have to leave, the royal guard is coming and if they see you and Tigerlily here you will be in trouble for sure.”
As the princess heard this she turned to look at the prince she had been dancing with “you have to go?” he asked.
“I’m afraid so.” She told him.
“Then go, send for me tomorrow” he said
She looked around for a moment then turned and handed him a jewel from her gown. “take this so you’ll know that I will send for you.”
He kissed her and with that she and Tigerlily ran out the door.
Alisons Wonderland "Dead" Thirsty - 15 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Alisons Wonderland
this isn't mine this is a song by the creepshow and i just like it a lot and i'm posting the video too cuz i want to so yea.

I’d like to tell a little story
About a girl from far away
You might feel bad, you might feel sorry
About what happened, so they say

Well once upon a time there was a sweetheart
A pretty girl with lips of red
She took a walk down by the graveyard
And out of nowhere something
Grabbed her head!

I heard that zombies ate her brain
(zombies ate her brain, zombies ate her brain)
That’s how she turned out this way!

Sometimes you’ll see her walking downtown
Not many notice the undead
Can’t ask the girl a simple question
Because she’ll never ever understand!

Because those zombies ate her brain
(zombies ate her brain, zombies ate her brain)
That’s how she turned out…
That’s how she turned out…
That’s how she turned out this way!

Alisons Wonderland "Dead" Thirsty - 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
Alisons Wonderland
again not continuing the story i'm supposed to be working on but hopefully this will be okay for the time being.

It was quickly becoming dusk, the sky was a beautiful peach color. The mountains in the background looked like they were on fire. Two men at the top of it all suddenly shot into the air, sword clanging so loudly I had to put my hands over my ears even though the two men were more then 20 yards off. I could barely make out their figures and then suddenly I could see every detail. One of the men looked at me “I hope you know your death won’t come swiftly! Your sweet chariots won’t come and carry you home; you will fall into a pit of darkness. You will never see your precious gate of heaven; you will never see your glorious God!”
“I would be proud to die if it meant taking you with me!”
“You my very well get your wish.”
How could I hear them, it was impossible.

Alisons Wonderland "Dead" Thirsty - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Alisons Wonderland
here's another not the one that i've been telling you but another new one. like i said before i'll be posting more to the other story i'm writing soon but for now here you go. enjoy.

So I was out walking one day, when I passed death along the way. He had come for a jogger that had just passed me on the right. Death was smiling at me and I smiled back like we had a secret that we shared with each other, or maybe i smiled because I knew that he hadn't come for me. Why didn't the jogger see him? And why could I see him? Of all people why did death choose me to show himself to. Maybe death knew the jogger didn't think he was ready to die, maybe he would have negotiated, or maybe that was the negotiation. Maybe the jogger did see him but ignored him warning. Maybe the jogger already had his chance negotiated for more time, and now death hid from the jogger. Would death one day hide himself from me one day? Maybe death knows who fears him and who doesn't.
Alisons Wonderland "Dead" Thirsty - 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
Alisons Wonderland
this is something new i'm going back to my other story but this is to keep my fans at bay. this one is called insanity i hope you like it.

What was happening? Was she losing her mind? I could see it … it was in her eyes. More and more she was losing it. Her eyes, what was in her eyes? It was taking over. This light she used to have, it was fading.
“Can’t you see it Laela” she said
“No, I can’t, tell me, tell me what’s happening, tell me what you see.”
“It’s going to kill me, but that’s okay now I know. Now I understand.”
“Don’t leave me; I want to go with you.”
“NO, don’t ever go the way I went, it’s too dangerous, you won’t escape. You’re too much like me.”

W.B. Yeats once wrote “BELOVED, gaze in thine own heart,/Gaze no more in the bitter glass/The demons, with their subtle guile,/Lift up before us when they pass,/Or only gaze a little while;/For there a fatal image grows/That the stormy night receives,/Roots half hidden under snows,/Broken boughs and blackened leaves./For all things turn to barrenness/In the dim glass the demons hold,/The glass of outer weariness,/Made when God slept in times of old./There, through the broken branches, go/The ravens of unresting thought;/Flying, crying, to and fro,/Cruel claw and hungry throat,/Or else they stand and sniff the wind, And shake their ragged wings; alas!/Thy tender eyes grow all unkind:/Gaze no more in the bitter glass.” That night I understood the meaning of the bitter glass. I didn’t know about the demons, but the glass, the glass I got. That was the night my sister died. God slept that night too, He let them take her, the demons. Now when I pray I ask him to lead me the way she went, down that road, to go where she went. I need to know what happened. And now I’m alone. Just God and I. The definition of insanity is performing the same task repeatedly with no evidence of altercation. Some people call it prayer others call it science, no matter what you call it, it all seems to lead to the same thing. loss of self.

Alisons Wonderland "Dead" Thirsty - 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
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Kandie Land!!

Ravers Delight and much, much more!

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