Always make you smile, haha ^.~
cherish all the friendship i got, who treat me good i'll return 10 times better,
who treat me bad i'll let them go! no need angry for anyone who doesn't love one another...
i hate people who has make my decision or pushing me to do anything i don't want to do, i won't treat them as a "friend"
I hope people could accept there is so many kinds of people living in this world. I feel strange why the people feel distress with other people's living style! Without acceptance that earth is not suitable for them. May be Alien is much better to be their neighbor.
I love martial arts & Bruce Lee
Love make friends, listen music, watching movie, reading & sleeping...certainly day dreaming as well...hehe :P
My favor songs ~
Love song for a vampire -
Would his love last forever? I believe so...
瞳をとじて (In the center of the world) -
Unforgettable movie with a love story, the movie has better expression then the fiction.
Must say goodbye -
Another love story form Korea, an exquisite production with a great view on screen.
There For Me (The Phantom of the Opera) -
Men's view ~ Men are insecure as Women, there is no difference, especially when we face the one who loved...too many questions come out from our brain to query the relationship. Sometimes we can't believe it's real...
About you:
The real you. Please honestly express yourself, you are who you are, nothing more nothing less. we don't need to change our mind to please any people in the world, just living our life & enjoy our life that's good enough ^.^
I'm sorry that you've chosen to leave... It was wonderful to share with you and I'm always wishing you the best. Take care and have happy & safe fun out there. x
- 14 years, 22 days ago
hi thomas did you leave hp finally forever or coming back all some moths??? would be nice to chat with you again, pitty you are not much around! anyways, hope you are doing well in any way. wish you all the best... xoxoxo
"Happy Swiss Miss"Peaceful
- 14 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
You've flown away and seem to be gone for good. That's sad and I just hope it isn't due to my not being such a great owner. But whatever the rea- son, I hope you are in ♡ & ☀