The Daisy Song
Is your heart crying out tonight?
Do your thoughts plague you just like mine?
Are we drifting in a sea of tears?
This deep blue ocean of our fears…
Is this real?
The sun will shine again
Like little yellow daisies shine again
A silver lining in the end
Why pretend?
These feelings I just can’t explain
Somehow there driving me insane
I sit on my own as the rain falls down
Alone in the center of these dark clouds
Lose my mind
Deep inside I feel better
You and I, whatever…
No more tears to cry
Baby I tell you no lie,
You’ve opened up my eyes
Written by
Erwin H. Bodenstein
All right of reproduction recording or performance
Belong to Erwin H. Bodenstein
Copy write: 14/01/2003
Check out the acoustic version as performed on Christmas day 2006
at www. under Stumbling Dog then click on “The Daisy song”
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Unknown "Super-Man" Frisky
- 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago