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"Princess Kris"
Unknown's tales
Hi everyeone, sorry I havn't been on for ages. to tell the truth i kinda got bored with facebook and got addicted once again to gaiaonline >< if you have an account there add me, i'll respond much faster on there. my user's ~Twilight - Dreams~ anyways, its been hectic too though, the swami's still here but he's probably moving out end of the month ish. then this summer we're going to *drumroll* Switzerland! lol i love how random my dad can be sometimes. I'm getting my permit soon, [ugh hopefully] and im shopping for a new car *yay* but thats about it. i may add more later, you can also email me any time, but, again, i answer gaia more XD my email's KrimzonRitual@gmail.com
Unknown "Princess Kris" Dazed
- 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
heggo everyone imma be gone for a while [dont kill urself, i'll be back >3] we're going down to florida again and i wont have internet grrrrrrrrr anywho when im back i'll upload some pix, i got new sketches and some pix from the temple and crap so yeah. anyways ttyl! luff u all xx
Unknown "Princess Kris" Dazed
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
well heres a new poem i just found it in my note book actually so idk how "new" it is, but still and yes, its totally CRAP compared to my other ones or any poem really and im not just saying that this time anyways, here ya go [any ideas for a title??] I know not what time it is and I refuse to look I wonder what tomorrow brings or, perhaps, today? Poetry stings but my mind is empty Emotions are tense how do I express them? To write a simple poem with rhyme and witty talk Or to run free of these boundries and try a bit of freestyle..? It doesn't matter anymore though There are no 'emotions' to express After all what where you expecting? Emotional regurgitation? Sorry, No can do, And it will .. shoo now see i told u it was crap. i dont really know why i posted this i guess i just felt like a new entry. i wanted to write a poem that night, but i couldnt think right, i wasnt in the right state of mind, and this is what happens. its like if you arent paying attention while cooking, you'll burn the food. lol i guess i burned the poem =/=' o im reading a new manga now, since i finished Hana Kimi [have i mentioned my undying LOVE for that manga??? seriously. i frikin LOOOOVVVEE IT!!! and its depressing its over, but the ending was great *tears up* (see first pik)] well my new manga is Rosario + Vampire, its pretty good (see second pik). about a guy who goes to a school of monsters by mistake and falls in love with a super vampire. i still like Hana Kimi better though *pouts*
Unknown "Princess Kris" Dazed
- 17 years ago
Hey everyone [who reads this.. ^^;] I'm back from florida, finally. Its back to sitting all day reading manga and browsing the all mighty internet. WOOOOOTTTT XD i dont have a new poem [for anyone who cares] i havent really been in the mood to write [emo] I am feeling angsty about Twilight the movie though good god, edward does NOT look like edward T_T but hey.. cant be too picky right? ... STILL grrr my friend almost cried when she found out Robert Pattinson was playing Edward. He looks NOTHING like how i envisioned him, not even close. i mean, he should at least be hot. well here are the pix of the official cullen family one person i loved [until they mercilessly butchered his hair] was Kellan Lutz [look at the pik, isnt he a GOD? the other ones, not the official ones, i love the monkey arm wrestle ^.^], he was the perfect Emmett, but they killed him!! i mean, enlarge the picture. see the guy on the far left? i mean. EW o well, i like the rest, besides esme, i think she looks too old to really be a beautiful undead vampire.. who sparkles. i'd like to see how they're gonna make Robert sparkle. -shivers- oh boy..
Unknown "Princess Kris" Dazed
- 17 years, 2 days ago
Hey guys, i wont be able to get on for a while, we're back in florida for a week or so and there's no internet but this stupid chip we have to pass arround, and being the kid, i like never get it. so sorry if i havent replied ur comments and messages, i'll reply as soon as i get back i promise!! love you all, here's a poem i just wrote ^^ All is dark, but a hole in the wall A tall window shows the grey sky As the rain falls with my tears Lonely tunes, the ancient songs Slow hymns spoken in a native toung Harmanize with the beat of my heart Images seep, gently through my mind Fairy tale castles and lonely princesses Covered in a blanket of flowery warmth A silent wind blows, rustling the leaves Water flows in a near by stream As horses play in those open fields A far away land, that does not exist but in my mind and dreams of silent hope A distant dreams in this world of reality
Unknown "Princess Kris" Dazed
- 17 years, 10 days ago
Vampire Kisses & Teddy Bear Hugs
umm .. see for urself ^^;
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