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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Nerds are Sexy, South African Pets, Show me the Money, The NuT house
Unknown's tales
SAPets Chatspeak Dictionary of stuffs V1.0
(your input would be great )

Deon Zibbi - DZ, Generaal
Darren - DM, SnaX
Ciske - Slave
Dasja - DF
Amor - The President, Wifey , Old Crazy One
Pierre - DP

2 Letter Abbreviations

Gm - Good morning
Ty, ta - Thank you
Np - No problem

3 or 3< Letter Abbreviations

Lol - Laugh out loud
Smh - Skeur my hol ( I may need some help with Afr spelling :P )
Lmga - Lag my gat af
Rofl - Rolling on floor laughing
Lmao - Laughing my ass off
Roflmao - Rolling on floor laughing my ass off
Tgif - Thank G*d its Friday
Wtf - What the .. Fudge (Note it can also be where or why.)
Ftw - For the win
WEG - Wicked Evil Grin (Ty Isabel ^-^)
Pmsl - Pissed myself laughing (Ty Caroline ^-^)

Smiley Faces

Smile - :) :D =D =) c",) ^-^ ^_^ ^.^ :>
Tongue poke - :P =P
Sad face - :( =( :<
Disappointed - :/
Gebliksem! - (x_X)O=(-_-Q)

Please message me to add what you can as I cant think of everything right now ! :D
Unknown Rabid - 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago

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