Smoke and Mirrors
Only those who are truly alone and lonely can appreciate the warmth of another human being.
When surrounded by people: friends, admirers, acquaintances... people tend to take on the qualities of a mirror - just someone to reflect yourself back to you. Are all humans so narcissistic? I think so, others are there to justify one's existance.
But when you are alone and feel the weight of your loneliness upon your shoulders... Then and only then, do you cast your eye to find someone to share yourself with...
It is then, that the glitter and glammer and quantity of friends is replaced by the need for one true one...
This does not mean you renounce your friends or never acquire new ones, but the joy of true sharing is found after a long and painful journey of self discovery..
It is only when you know yourself can you share yourself...
Til then, you cannot share what you don't own... You cannot share what you don't know... Until you know yourself, you do not own yourself and therefore cannot give of yourself
If you cannot give of yourself, then you cannot receive another... hence the mirrors reflecting yourself back until you come to a recognition... once recognition is complete... the mirrors are no longer necessary and to reach out for one true bond is possible...
Until then ... all is smoke and mirrors...
Unknown "wildchild" Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago