Eep! Early this morning my phone starts beeping and when I roll out of my bed to shut it off I notice it is a reminder that it is my dad's birthday tomorrow. Oh no! *panic* I have got him absolutely nothing and he lives thousands of kms away so anything I buy will take a week to get there anyway. Normally I am so organised with birthday presents, what is happening to me? And more importantly, what will I get my dad for his birthday????? Unknown"TwistyArna"Cheeky
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Once upon a time, in a far off place, lived a child who liked to eat daisies. Morning, noon and night all the child would eat for meals were daisies. Oh the child was not fussy about colour or size, they just had to be daisies. And one day the child got sick and died because eating daisies is not a very smart thing to do. The end. Unknown"TwistyArna"Cheeky
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago