once upon a time... a young lady felt that as much as she was enjoying her life... she thought her adventures would be much more fun with a companion... so she decided to go on a mighty search to find a little canine companion to share her adventures with.
she searched high and low... from website to shelter... there were many cute dogs... some big, some small, some fat, some tall... some were shy, some were loud, some were nervous, some were proud.... but none were the right fit for her.
because she knew that she would keep this little companion forever, she knew she must not make haste but be patient for the right one. then one day, after much time had passed... she found a little, black pooch up for adoption on a website at a local shelter. she wondered if this could be the one for her? she got up early on a saturday and made the long drive to go see him. when she saw him and took him outside for a little walk... she knew right away... this little guy was coming home with her!
she took him home and he was sweet as pie. she treats him to many fun runs, adventures at the dog park and lots of sweet lovins to remind him that he has finally come home and will be taken good care of for the rest of his doggy days...
Unknown "free spirit" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago