at least until your hand gets rubbed raw, i neglected to shave today.
- 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
i has been petted? sweet! i love pettage, makes me feel pretty.
- 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
I swear we'll have a whole box full of gothic metalheads at our event:
The One Family Gathering will be a three day unity gathering near Christmas Valley, Oregon. The festival intends to unify a variety of cultures from many other peaceful gatherings. It will manifest as a weekend long event encompassing barter fairs, music festivals, parties, and reggae shows, surrounded by a free camping area.
This event has a focus slightly different from other festivals. We will provide a large, secure vendor section inside the event in addition to hosting two stages: a "party" tent with nonstop djs, hosted by DJ4NORML and the main "Quetzalcoatl&quo t; stage. Both stages will have a dynamic array of musicians performing twenty-four hours a day throughout the event. Featured musicians will include Katy Turner, Bijhan, Jack Burton, Laurianne, Matt Zeltzer, Naugahyde Nights, Norman Baker, SpiritMoon, Deep Sleep Narcotics Company, Renegade Minstrels, Cntrl Alt Delete, Dj Eff, DJ4NORML, Hippinshlog, Jahson Ites, Essential I, Dj Sticky, Huckleberry, Jensen, Min.d,Tommy Dean, Wehrwolve, HannaH*s Field, and First Name Michael, with more groups signing up daily.
Set in the high desert, One Family Gathering promises to entertain with over 70 music performances, a trade market, a drum circle, exceptional food vendors, and much more.
We are currently accepting applications for VENDORS, DJS, BEAT ARTISTS, and VOLUNTEERS.
For more information contact: Weather@OneFamilyGatheri