I live for u My Love
Everyday i keep on living just for u
I live to see u happy
And when i see u sad it crushes my heart
And i think to myself she does not deserve this
She does not deserve this pain
She deserves happiness
Why her Why My Love Why her Why not me
And then i opemn my heart to u
And i tell u please do not be sad my love
And i say u do not deserve this u deserve happiness
U the person who i love so much
U with a heart with a heart with so much love
U who has showed my heart how to love
U who has saved me from the darkness of my life
U My One True Love for whom i keep on going with my life
U who makes this soul want to keep going
U who makes this bleak life of mine worth living
When i see u sad it makes my heart cry
And it tells me to hold u in my arms
But this incredible distance keeps me from doing so
So i tell u cry My Love
And i will cry with u
And then u confess your love for me
And yet again my heart cries
But this time its diffrent
These tears they are made of happiness and love which u give me
So My Love cheer up cause forever is all i can use to discribe My Love for u
Now i have but one thing for you and thats that I LOVE U NOW N FOREVER.
Unknown "Nichole's life" Playful
- 17 years, 12 days ago