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"My Special K"

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"Apl de ap"
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"Ice cream chika"
1050 pts
"Blue eyez"
60 pts

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"Brenjamin :)"
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"del gada"
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"Special K"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
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"Couch Time"
by K

Words twist and wind through my mind
But I can't find the right words
Or the right lines
So we sit without a word
You rest your head on my chest, with my hand on your thigh
And we lay still
You raise your head
And we lock eyes
Caught in the moment, locked in a gaze
A kiss between lovers, A caress between friends
You lay your head on my chest once again
you can feel my heart beating, one final warm embrace
And I finally find the words I'm looking for
I love you

Unknown "My Special K" Bold - 16 years, 12 months ago


I can't say i'm in love

Because I don't know it

It isn't enough to describe what I feel

Because there are no words

To express myself

Nothing to give you the feeling

I feel when your around me

Because you are apart of me

You don't complete me

Because when I met you I became a part

Of a whole love

It goes way beyond butterflies

It goes way beyond puppy love

And I wonder why me?

Do I deserve you?

No I don't

You give me all you have to give

And in return I give a clouded joy

A second sight blinded by a feeling

There isn't a way I can express what I feel

There isn't a way to show you who I am

In a sum I am broken

A toy with a half purpose

A thing being fixed

After being cracked by abuse, harrasment, and torture

Anguish and pain used to invade the spaces to fill the void

Through all the ups and downs

Joys and hurt I have moved forward

Though not in comparisson to the family i have been granted

Scared by hurt

Plauged by the emptiness

Wanting to feel anything to make me alive

Make me feel like I have worth

That someone or something cared about my exsitance

A light to chase away the shadows, and scare away the boogie man

And I waited bringing false hopes to fruition

To distract from the piece missing

To hide the cracks in my armor

To distract from the sadness in my soul

Harden my heart and put on a happy face for the world

So I can't say I love you

Not just yet

Let me find it in you first

So in the mean time

Just love me

And be patient

Give me time to find the words

And when my scars heal

I will give you the rest of me

Unclouded bliss


Unknown "My Special K" Bold - 16 years, 12 months ago
by. Kamari

1000 years not enough to forget hours

A week ago

A pain so deep

Scars to vivid to conceal

A soul painted onto a shell of the living

Reds, Blues, Browns, Shades, and Hues...

My sky....My Home splashed with texture

Dabbed and patted dry with nostalgia

Painfull it is and will be till it heals





Blood red floors and walls

Torn flesh sprinkled with gun powder

Hidden shame

A happy face painted on

Bloody pupils

Bruised wrists

Bound by fear

A fear that this moment will break me

That this instant is the last instant




4 people in the room to watch and spectate

Cries that fall on def ears and blind eyes

Only blind to my feeling and emotion

I guess they all had the same mentality

"Children are to be seen and not heard"

Because they didn't hear me

Or didn't want to

Salt encrusted cheeks with droplets of water sliding down

But by that time I am numb

All Feeling escapes me

A slow death of the three

Mind, body and soul

Dethroned and abused in my house

My castle....

I hide now

In the silence of my lonesome

I hide in the comfort of my love

Yet I still hide

My face

My scars, and bruises

The experience fresh in my mind

Because "it only happens to women"

Or so they say

But if thats the case I guess it's my turn

To turn in my circle with the arrow pointing north east

For the circle with the cross pointing down

My castle

My confidence compromised



By what?

Four letters strung together to describean act





I guess it's time to rebuild

just keep this conversation between me and you

Unknown "My Special K" Bold - 16 years, 12 months ago
"Picking up the pieces"
by, Kamari

I sat by myself for a while
I layed by myself for a while
No one to visit me
People too broken up to say hello
Mostly because they believed I could not
That I could not hear them
Just because I lay dreaming for a little while
A dream I could not wake from
A "coma" I think they called it
My minds temporary break from the obvious
A vacation from what is to come
What is to be and who I am to face
I was thought to not wake
Although in my dreams I dwelled for only an hour
On the out a day had passed
Confused, damaged, abused and seperated
That is the reality of my minds eye
Chained to the darkness
Held captive by the injuries
Body nummed by morphine
I feel nothing
Eyes closed as tears fell on the caramel lids
Cries that fell on my ears only to be met with silence
Because I could not speak
I could not say anything
Eventhough I wanted to let it all out
All of the pain and sadness
I could not see who was there to cry for me
I was blind in a land of slumber
I could only dream
Dream of who was to come to me in my hour of need
I awoke to see no one
So layed there for a while left to guess
Why was I in the hospital?
Where was I and where was everyone else?
I awoke to no one
No one came..
An empty book with no visitor signatures
No balloons or get wells
So I sat writing
"Morphine for my soul", "30 seconds to sunrise", "Principle awareness"
My inside was conflicted
What is left in the wake is my aftermath
Torn stiched and patched together like old jeans or a rag doll
I wondered how I ended up like this
I was usually so strong and in control
Of me
Of my fate
Of my destiny
Of what was to come
And what had been
I didn't see this, or that
The twister on the horizon I missed
The wake what's left
To awaken to find a nightmare
To rebuild with no supplies
Left with only people who can relate
And within that I can find even a shred of comfort
To dispell that small shred of doubt that I had

But what hurts most of all is that I gave up.......
I was ready to accept
Embrace the dark
Bring in the sadness and let it settle
To stir up the anguish and bury the faith
That I once had for myself
I layed before the train to get destroyed on the track
Crushed by the weight of frustration
The outlook forelorn
Premeditated failure
Pre-empted and captivated by a prelude
A prep for the worst
Accepting that the "end" was NOW
Only to be met by the opposite
So I am dissapointed in myself
The continuum that was defined as me has finished
The theory and transition abruptly ending
That what I once called me is no more
So maybe it's time to stop
Stop living each day for another
And finally live to make me happy
Yeah that's what I'll do
I'll light the darkness in the depths of my soul
I will break the chains that bind me
And reclaim my thrown
For I am the king of my land that is Kamari
I am the only one who can give away myself
My self...respect,dignity,and confidence
I will reignite my flame
rekindle the burning passion that once spilled onto pages
Splashed the walls with paint
And colored peoples worlds with hope and faith in themselves
I am no longer comatose
I am no longer dreaming
So it's time to take action and step into the light
This glass has now taken it's first step toward becoming stone....

Unknown "My Special K" Bold - 16 years, 12 months ago
"Morphine for my soul"
by, Kamari

I dream
To forget
I deam
To escape...
To escape from my reality
To escape the gravity of the situation
So I run
I hide in my dreams
I sit and I ponder
I wonder and I wait
In my dreams
When the reality is I need to wake from the dream
IVs, tubes, tranfusions, and stitches
Are my reality
So I wish for some Morphine for my soul
So I don't have to hurt anymore
Unknown "My Special K" Bold - 16 years, 12 months ago
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ya right been really buisy with this nice weather we been having! really been taking advatage of it!
Unknown "Foxy Cleopatra" Carefree - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
hey whats new? how was the weekend? I have been so buisy I cant even walk straight! Im glad that my head is attached to my shoulders! wait is it... where t go?!!!
Unknown "Foxy Cleopatra" Carefree - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
hows it going cutie!?
I havent talked to you in a minute!whats new? I have been killer buisy! I was finally able to go out! that was fun ! I really like going to Albany!
Unknown "Foxy Cleopatra" Carefree - 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
awww luv u 2!! u need to come out to visit me tho!!!!! or i'm going to have to kick ur ass!! lol
Unknown "Jeff's" Emo - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago

You have been given Police Tight Security Check.
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Unknown "Luna Boi" Curious - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
thanx for stopping by

thumbed yuh
Unknown "Bad Kitty" Content - 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Special K's place

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